Chapter 25

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What can I say?

Last night was action packed to say the least. The night started off badly - getting groped by some guy and Harry getting slightly angry about it. Slightly? Maybe a bit more than slightly. The rest of the night was fun though, I don't know how much I had to drink to be honest. Lottie and I promised we'd go shot for shot, and I think she has a higher tolerance than I do. I get drunk pretty quickly. 

We're lounging out on the chairs by the pool and I can't move. Like, I think if I actually lift my head or open my eyes I'll be sick. It was definitely a bad idea to drink that much. I think everyone else is in the same boat as me, because nobody is talking, we're all just lying down, shielding ourselves from the sun. I don't even know if Harry's out here, all I know is Lottie is on the chair on my right and Niall is on my left.

"What's...what's the time...?" Lottie asks groggily from next to me.

"I would check, but I can't move," I reply sincerely. I hear her sigh, and then I hear the creak of her chair as she begins to move. 

"It's 12.08pm," she says aloud. "I'm going to get in the water, see if it helps?" Soon enough I hear a splash, followed by another splash belonging to someone else.

Maybe it will be a good idea to get in the water. It might make me wake up. I don't want to lie around all day, I was going to text the girl Lottie and I met - Ingrid - to take us out somewhere. I was in the mood to explore, but now, not so much.

"You have to come in here, Eva!" Niall's voice shouts out to me. "I feel so much better already! C'mon - otherwise I'll drag you in 'ere!" 

I feel myself make some kind of inhumane animalistic noise as I try to get up, still not opening my eyes. All I can hear is Niall's crazed laughter echoing through my ears and I think I'm about to spew. I manage to stand up and open my eyes, taking a few steps to the nearby pool.

"Just jump - it'll be over in two seconds!" Niall pesters amongst his continuous laughs. Without another thought, I do a pin drop into the refreshingly cool water, and quickly rise to the surface, finally making eye contact with both Lottie and Niall. 

"I feel alive," I say, then duck under the water again.

"Told you you'd feel better already!" Niall says once I'm back at the surface again.

"Is that your phone ringing, Ev?" Lottie gestures over to the chair I was lying on previously, and I realise that yes, my phone is in fact ringing. I quickly hop back out of the pool to retrieve it. 

It' sister.

"Eliza?" I voice with a lot of curiosity. The last time we spoke was before I left for Hawaii - and our conversation didn't end well. That was also the last time I saw Kaia. 

"Hey. How are you?" She seems awfully happy. Too happy.

"I'm want something, don't you?"

"Well. Dad and I had an argument and I was just wondering ifIcouldstaybackatmum'shousebymyselfbecauseIdon'twanttostayatdad's?" She's out of breath by the time she finishes.

"Are you serious? By yourself? You're 16, Eliza." I speak in a monotone, already sick of this.

"Almost 17!" Eliza corrects. "Please, Eva, I'll call you twice a day! At least! Please, please, please!"

"I don't think dad will approve," I say with a sigh of dismay. I look back down at Niall and Lottie in the water and they give me quizzical looks. 

"He said it's fine! You can call him to check--"

"I'm not calling dad, I haven't spoken to him in months. Look, how about you stay for five days, and then go back to dad's. You need to keep a relationship with dad. Mum's not around, and you're too young to be by yourself all the time."

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