Chapter Two

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"What's got your mood this worse?" Aela asked me. Since the class just ended, I've been told about my fuckin' mood. Earlier I've been told that my mood is bad, and now worse?

Damn it. "Haven't got enough sleep." I excused.

"Always," She grinned.

I could care less about that dickhead, do I have to feel threatened? Ofcourse not, it's not like he rules this school. Maybe he does but that's because he's popular. What's happening to the generation? Oh gahd.

"Yeah, I guess. Bye." I bid.

"You're going this early?" She asked.

"Yes, I am."

"But your sister is coming with us in the Ben's Pizzeria." She said.

"I'm tired and I have things to do at our house." I excused.

"You know what I realized, Crys?" This made me stop from walking and I faced her.

I kept silent to make her continue, "I realized that you never hang out with us. Why is that?" That made me actually shocked.

Now, she finally realized it. "Because I always have things to do when you have a get together." I lied.

"But your sister is always free..." She pounded.

Oh shit, take it easy. Act normal, don't freak out. "My sister and I have the different schedules, now don't we?" I said in a matter-of-fact.

Phew, close enough Crystal.

"Oh right. Oh well, take care Crystal." She waved, "Thanks, Aela." I thanked and finally walked away.

I walked in to the bus, after I waited for fifteen minutes. I took a sit close to the window, I took my book out from my back pack. Later on, a stranger dude took a sit beside me.

This will be a long trip, so I made myself busy with the book I'm currently reading. It's Book of Lies, and it's full of crimes and deaths. It's actually not my favourite genre book but this book is somehow has a great story plot.

"Book of Lies, interesting." The dude beside me whispered.

"Shut up." I mumbled. Since this dude is singing loud enough for me to be distracted. I must've the voice but I couldn't consentrate since he's being a noisy dude. He has an earplugs on, obviously he can't hear me.

He sings very angelic but I'm reading a book and the scenario is being intense. I closed my book and turned my face to him; I poked his shoulder using my index finger. "Excuse me," His eyes were closed, I groaned in frustration.

"Excuse me, sir." I cleared my voice and made it louder. Still, his eyes are closed.

I shook his shoulder using my both hands, "Sir!" This time, his eyes shot open. "What the fuck?"

Oh shit. The same hazel eyes, "You were singing loud enough for me to be distracted from reading." I complained.

"This is a public transportation, now isn't it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Still! You saw me reading and now you're singing, fucktard." I taunted.

"You're overreacting, did you know that?" He smirked.

"You somehow should now what's right and what's wrong." I said angrily.

"I think I'm right, I think I can do what I want in a public transportation." He grinned.

"Fucktard." I mumbled. Then I saw my street, few blocks away from my house. I packed my books and the bus stopped at a bus stop. There are several people waiting, I went out of the bus. As I finally breathe out.

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