𝓒𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 & 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮

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Chapter 1

𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜

My eyes scan over the surroundings but all I see is trees, with a shake of my head I brush off the noise as my imagination and watch my brother fly though the sky.

𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜

Alright, I didn't imagine that. I look around through the trees of the forest and tall thick grass. Boom, boom, boom boom, boom- a heart beat!

My eyes go wide in fear and for a few moments the world pauses as it dawns on me, we've been discovered. My eyes glance over to my younger brother Uriah who watches Zeke fly with awe.

𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜

Uriah catches my gaze and tilts his head at the expression on my face. We need to go. He nods his head and flags down Zeke but Zeke just had to be Zeke "Why we gotta leave?" he calls out, very loudly.

𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕜-

The third click doesn't come instead only silence "We need to leave right now so get down here." he lets out a loud huff all the way to the ground while he takes his sweet old time to get on his feet. I hear the leaves rustle and hope it's just the wind but it's 97 degrees in Saint Martin you can't get wind even if you prayed for it. "Come on." I grab a fist full of his shirt and yank him towards the exist. Uriah is hot on our heels as Zeke moans and groans out his compliants "Just because you're the oldest it doesn't give you the right to boss us around."

"They're  on the move"

My heart freezes and my blood turns cold. "Yes it does now grab hands we gotta move." I stretch out my hand so he can speed all of us out if these parts before it's too late. "No! I want to stay just because-" I growl at him my eyes flashing a dangerous color "Zeke stop bitching and do what I say."

That seems to scare him. I grab hold of Uriah and Zeke grabs hold of me and in a flash we're at the opening of the forest "Who's car is that?" I look and see not a car but mutiple cars all black with tinted windows. A noise rings out in my ear almost like a fly getting way too close or a snipper taking aim. I'm not sure which but I'm damn sure not taking any chances "Run."

I turn on my heels drawling some power up with me. Blue and purple combine as the first bullet comes flying our way it hits my feild and richashs. Bullet after bullet flies through the air I stretch my power thin to keep the three of us safe but each bullet pushes me back a tiny bit, it's never happens before and it's throwing me off my game. Another bullet hits this time it goes through my field a high pitched scream echos out one that I'm very familiar with "Zeke!" I don't have enough time to be concerned I have a feeling these people aren't out of ammo just yet. I throw the field back up with more power "Go!" I shout at Uriah at least I know he'll be safe "I can hold them off until Zeke wakes up." it's not up for debate I can handle this.

Uriah gives me one last look "How are you gonna get home?" he questions as he begins to panic "Don't worry about that just worry about you! Now go!" I let out a groan as I'm pushed back again. "Go!"

I wait until I can no longer hear the truck to begin. Lord forgive me for my sins I am about to commit, amen. I close my eyes so I don't have to see.

The spark is always the loudest it starts the destruction, it's such a shame this was my favorite spot to go whenever anything was wrong. So many memories and with a single snap- gone.

The screams are men, I hear them jump and drop down from the trees to escape the thick smell of smoke but they're in far more danger on the ground. Hopefully they're smart enough to run.

I turn my back to the burning forest and run to my brother who is laying still on the ground. I slide on my knees staining my black jeans with green "Zeke, Zeke?" I search his body looking for a bullet entry and blood but the only thing that sticks out is a empty vile. I yank the small thing out of his leg and place it in my pocket, I can figure out what it is later but for now I pray it jut isn't poison.

I grab one of his arms around my shoulder and lift with my legs but he is heavy! "Jesus Zeke you gotta lay off the cake." I know he can't hear me but after this it's salad  and croutons for him. I squat lifting his body up, alright how am I gonna do this? Maybe if I squat and grab his legs?

No cause his upper half will be exposed and mom is not going to kill me cause he's not back in one piece. I can't carry him like a baby he's way too heavy. Maybe I can throw his arms over my shoulder and hold onto his elbows, I'll have to use a whole lot more than leg power and by the time I get us home I'll need to recharge so hopefully Zeke will be alright until then.

On three, one throw him over and grab his arms, two squat and get ready to give it your all, three jump! Fuck my phone! I watch it drop from fifty feet in the air and hit the ground, I can't go back and get it.

We're high enough in the air it's hard to breath, we've pushed through the clouds and I can't see the ground. I have no idea where we're going to land or what we might land on but whatever it is I'm gonna break it.


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Home. It was the first place I thought to go. My labs here and I can place the house on lockdown. I drop my brother on the porch unlocking the door I turn back around and drag him inside. He's going on a diet the second he wakes up.

"Good afternoon Tris."

I turn my head at the unfamiliar voice only to be shot with a dart straight to the chest. I see a purple liquid drain into my body, a man dressed in all black, and my mom passed out on the couch. Then the world goes black.

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