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Chapter 8- The aftermath

My hands skim the keys of the piano just trying to find the right melody. I have the lyrics sitting in front of me I was up half the night writing. It's what I do when I'm confused or angry or sad any emotion really, it's one of my less violent coping skills. It's not helping much though, I've been here for over and hour and I have nothing!

I left the house early, mom never came home, Zeke was knocked out upstairs and Uriah was still passed out where I left him. Truth be told I don't have enough energy to face them. I let myself wonder all night about if they themselves knew mom had an affair or who their fathers could be and if their fathers knew they even had children? Why do we look so similar if we have different dads? Do I even tell them what I know? Should I tell them...I mean we grew up thinking our dad didn't want us turns out he isn't their dad at all he's just mine.

I hear the door open "This space is occupied please leave!" I shout to whoever it is as I continue to play the same notes "It sounds nice."

Rolling my eyes I plant my head on the black and white notes. Why her lord, why? "What part of go away do you not understand Lauren?" I turn and look at her, her eyes for once don't look vengeful or cold for once they're soft and sweet and bare, it catches me off guard that for once she doesn't look like a complete and utter bitch. So I relax "Can I sit?" She asks motioning to the bench I'm on after a few seconds I move over and she sits.

We look at each other quickly but I look away I hear a sigh escape from her mouth before it all gets quiet. "You know if you tried starting off on the A cord instead of the B cord and moved the notes into a lower tone you might be able to get something done." my face turns confused, was that helpful advice?

"Just sing as I play." she says and her hands start to move. I try to make the words come from my mouth but I can't. They refuse to move from my throat despite knowing the song backwards and forwards even in Spanish. Lauren play the song out but we don't say a word.

"It was about our dad wasn't it?" I just nod my head trying to hold in everything I'm feeling "Listen I know last night was hard. Even I'm surprised! We all were including mom and she knew. I never would've thought I had a sister."

I find myself angered by her words. I scuff taking another hit "You have no idea what hard is." I growl at her. Hard is having to live on the streets because you have no home, hard is not being able to choose what you want to eat because you have nothing to begin with, hard is sleeping in the sewers to keep yourself from freezing to death, hard is wanting to pray for death so you don't have to suffer, hard is watching other families laugh and goof around and wondering why it can't be you. Hard is being target practice simply because you have brown skin. This bitch has had a silver spoon in her mouth since the day she was born. "Just because we have the same dad doesn't mean we're sisters. You don't like me and I don't like you."

"I wasn't the nicest person to you was I?" she asks and I shake my head "I'm sorry. I thought you were trying to take our dad away. You're a level 5, almost every guy wants you because of what you can give them and I thought my dad was one of them." from the corner of my eye I watch her hang her head in shame and for a minute I feel bad. It's not her fault, she grew up all her life not knowing her dads past then this new girl comes along and grabs his attention what else is she supposed to think?

"Look Lauren why don't we just pretend that dinner never happened? You can go on about your life and I'll go on with mine."

"Why would I want to do that? You're my sister."

"Stop using that word! We're not family!" I snap. "I'm a sister to Uriah and Zeke they're my family. I grew up with them, they've had my back, they've always been there. You came from my wanna be papa after he bust in your mom!" I glare into her eyes and I see my own reflection an angry girl that's hiding her fear of being rejected. Despite my harsh words she does nothing she doesn't even appear to be phased it's as if she can see me as clear as I see myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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