1:Hotel Cortez

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   As soon as my feet stepped onto the curb I could feel her presence. It overwhelmed my hyper senses, rendering my abilities almost-almost useless. I made small strides to the Hotel's doors:  Bracing myself for the War World 3 that was about to break out between myself and it's owner. I removed my black Ray Bans, placing them delicately into their proper place in my purse before pressing a cold hand against the door, opening it, and entering the horrid Hotel.


  "I have reservations under Clara Forten." I politely informed the grey haired woman behind the desk. I watched as she tilted her head to the left then the right, before using her pointer finger to push up her awkward large, round glasses.

"Yes," She smiled, and without checking to see if my words were valid she simply handed my a key. "Here you are Ma'am, and I hope you enjoy your stay at the  Hotel Cortez." I extended a hand to take the item then made my way to the room number etched into the metal. 64 -Room 64.


I wondered down the all–to– familiar corridors, lugging my suitcase not far behind me as I searched for my room. The lights above flickered annoyingly, causing a small ache to form behind my eyes. If I didn't find my room soon....

"Well, hello gorgeous." A woman's sultry voice rang behind me. Agitated, I turned to face the nuisance; A frizzy haired blond, with dramatic purple eye makeup with blood red  painted lips. That clashed immensely  with her faux cheetah print coat and 'vintage' dress. "Do you need help finding your room? I know this Hotel better than I know myself."  She stepped towards me with her black platform shoes, extending her hand. "I'm Sally." With the closer proximity she brought a mixed scent of whiskey and lavender perfume. That was surprisingly intoxicating– in the most peculiar  way.

I held out my free hand and firmly  shook the latter's own. "Clara," I flashed a toothy grin. "Clara Forten. And yes I'd greatly appreciate it."

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