Letters to Home

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Finn's POV

Finn was tired. Tired in every single way. His ears hurt from the constant laser fire and explosions mixed with the orders yelled at him from his squad leader.

He'd been deployed only a few weeks and it was already too much for him. Some of the other resistance soldiers he fought alongside with had been fighting almost a whole year or more. He didn't know how they stayed sane.

He didn't even really remember the name of the planet he was on, all he knew was that his division of the resistance army (the 7th Infantry) was raised in some city having to fight what seemed like an endless amount of First Order troopers.

The fighting was brutal, every street, every block, every individual building took days of fighting. They may have had the advantage in numbers against the First Order but the troopers sure as hell had the better positions.

He stopped getting close to people. His first friend here, a guy they called Casper, died around a week ago. They had just taken a building into their control. It seems safe. They should've known. He never even saw the sniper's shot coming at him. It split his head open like it was nothing...

The shriek of X-Wings overhead knocked him out of his thoughts. He picked up his bag of supplies and dug out his pen and pad. They were allowed to write letters when they weren't in battle. They were supposed to be holding up on this street tonight. Finn knew his group had gotten lucky. They got a good sturdy building and hasn't taken any casualties. Third squad down the street a few hundred yards had lost three people and about ten more wounded.

He put all of that away in his mind as he began to write.

Dear Rey,

How have you been? I'm sure you're doing great with your training. Luke couldn't have picked a better successor. I wish I could see you... The fighting here seems to have no end. Sometimes it seems as if we take street after street for no reason. I know there is a greater purpose to all of this but it just gets lost in all of the death and destruction. We are making progress. It may seem slow but I know we're slowly winning this fight. Maybe one day we can end this and all live normal lives. Wishful thinking huh? Write me back as soon as you can.

Much love from you friend, Finn

He thought about adding more to the letter, not putting the word friend. He wanted to tell her everything that had been on his mind since he met her.

It would be easier now wouldn't it? With the mortality rate the odds of him making it home are against him so he may never have to face her. He silently vowed that in the next letter he would say it- if he made it that far that is....

He sealed the letter and wrote the address of the main resistance base on the outside. They would get it the rest of the way. He laid back and tried to get some sleep as the though of how to word the next letter nagged the back of his brain...

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