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It was a very stormy night at the resistance base. Lightning crashed everywhere and the thunder was deafening. Personally Finn didn't mind, as he was used to much worse from his time as a storm trooper.

He was almost asleep when he heard a knock at the door to his room. He rolled over and swung his feet to the floor. He hit the mechanical pad to slide the door open and was surprised to see Rey in her pajamas. He thought she looked incredibly cute with her hair down in a plain shirt and sweatpants.

"Rey, is everything okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Uh... Yea I have a favor to ask you though... See I'm kind of, well the loud storm scares me..." Finn could hear the shakiness in her voice. He hadn't  thought about it but it made since she was scared since it almost never rained on Jakku, and definitely not this hard, "And I was wondering if I could share a room with you..."

Finn could feel his heart soar. Rey was looking at her feet like she was afraid of his answer. "Of course you can, I understand." He answered.

She walked into his room as he shut the door behind her. He pulled back the covers and let her slide into his bed.

He stopped as he heard her say softly,"Can you hand me that?" He looked where she was pointing and he saw his jacket. He picked it up and brought it to her, she proceeded to put it on and he inquired,"You want to sleep in it?"

She pulled the covers back over her and answered,"If you don't mind. It makes me feel safe."

"Oh I don't mind at all. I'm gonna get some extra blankets to sleep on the floor."

Finns heart nearly jumped out of his chest when he heard her next statement. "Please don't. I want someone close to me so I know I'm safe."

"Well if you're sure then okay."

He slid into bed next to her, not so close that they were touching but close enough so that he could feel her warmth. He looked down and saw nothing but raw beauty as she slept in his jacket.

He watched her all night long, making sure she was safe. He wouldn't let a single thing happen to the girl that he loved. Now if only he could tell her he loved her...

He smiled as she began to snore very lightly and he just couldn't seem to get enough of her. As he drifted off to sleep he secretly hoped it rained tomorrow and the next day, and the next, and the next.....

Finn and Rey Oneshots and Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now