Chapter 9.

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"Can I get some candy?" The little boy asks me before he enters the car, making me chuckle.

"Hey Anna!" I yell out the window to my sister. "Can Enrique have some candy?"

"Only after the game!" Anna yells in response.

I turn to Enrique who still has a questioning look on his face. "You heard your Mama boy. Only after the game okay?"

"Okay." He nods happily.

"Good, now get in the car." I tell him in a hushed voice. "We can't have you run over in front of your Mama's driveway. Lord knows how she's even letting me take you to this thing today. She must be really desperate."

Enrique doesn't respond but hops into the car.

"Youre not gonna buckle yourself in little man?" I ask as I close the passenger side door.

"Nope." He replies.

"And why the f - and why not?" I stop myself from cursing in front of him.

"Because when I drive with daddy's car, I don't have to buckle myself in." He replies in an innocent voice.

"One." I chuckle. "This isn't your father's ugly ass jeep." I laugh. "And two." I add. "Buckle yourself in. I'm still fresh from getting my license and if we get in the slightest of accidents, your Mama and my mama, your grandmama, is gonna kill me."

He laughs in his cute little voice and buckles in.

"Good choice bro." I ruffle his hair and wave to my sister.

She waves back and I take that as my cue to leave.

I reverse out of the driveway, wanting to drive recklessly, but I cant because there's a child on board.

"Dont you have a radio?" Ricky asks as he looks out the window.

"I do." I shrug. "Why?"

"Because in my daddy's car, we always play music." He replies in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh really?" I ask amused. "I'm sorry baby boy but I don't listen to whatever crap your father listens to and I also don't think your ears are made for what is on my phone."

He nods respectfully. "Then why don't we turn on the radio and see what's playing?"

"Sure." I respond, impressed with his way of thinking.

I turn on the radio and skip to various stations where I actually find a song playing.

"Stop." Ricky shouts, frightening me and causing the whole car to lunge forward.

"What?" I ask, looking over at him. I hear people behind me honking and yelling for me to drive but I just roll down my window and stick my middle finger out there. "You don't tell your Mama." I tell him and he nods.

After controlling my breathing, I put the car into drive again and continue on the route. "So are you gonna tell me what your little outburst was about?"

He turns to me and puts his finger to his lips in an attempt for me to be quiet.

"Okay then."

I actually like whatever crap he's listening to.

After a while, I think I hear Dinah's voice.

And that puts me in a trance, even though I'm not sure that its her singing, I'm sure about a few things.

I miss her. I miss her smell, her touch, her... I just miss her being around. Her presence. I even miss the idea of her.

"Aunty. The light is green." Ricky points out.

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