It's Not Complicated (Final Chapter)

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"I'm so exhausted." Dinah sighs loudly as she gets on the bus.

I decide not to move from my bunk because I know that she's going to come over here anyway.

She comes into the bunk area and my jaw drops a little.

I didn't know that what she would be wearing would be that revealing.

The only reason that I didn't go to the show tonight is because I fell extremely ill last night, and Matthew  - I mean Max, told me to stay in 'bed' and didn't allow me out until I feel better.

"Hey baby." She smiles and pecks my lips.

She then puts all her hair on the one side of her head before twirling around.

"How do I look?"

"I can't even..." I manage to get out with my sore throat and all.

She chuckles a bit and carefully gets under the bunk to straddle my waist.

I, on instinct, rest my hands on her thighs.

"I missed you tonight." She pouts. "I had nobody to wink at or nothing."

I laugh, but start coughing.

"Do you think that you could maybe come take a shower with me?" She asks, with a cute pout.

"I would." I nod. "But I don't want you to get sick. Hell, you're not even supposed to be this close."

"It doesn't matter if I get sick." She whispers as she leans down, poking her ass out. "One of the other girls can do my part and I can spend the day and night in bed with you."

I rest my hands on her ass. "I'm not risking getting you sick."

She huffs. "Fine. But don't fall asleep just yet. I'm going to shower and then I'll be back. Okay?"


She smiles and then pecks my lips before getting off of me and getting out of the bunk.

She then sways her hips all the way out to the front of the bus.

"Thats not fair!" I croak out and she chuckles.

"I'll be back soon!" She yells. "And don't fall asleep!"

"Whatever." I yell back and get back to texting Taylor.

I only look up from my phone when I hear voices in the front of the bus.

But it's only the girls.

"Hey Y/N." Ally smiles as she approaches me. "Feeling a bit better?" She asks as she crouches down next to me.

"Kind of." I shrug and she nods and lifts her hand to feel my forehead.

"Your fever died down." She nods. "So you are doing a bit better. But I still want you under the covers. So if you wanna watch a movie with us, I could get you a blanket?" She offers.

"Thanks." I give her a little kiss on the forehead. "But no thanks. I would just like to take a nap."

She nods respectfully. "Okay then. Feel better sweetie." She kisses my forehead and with that she's off.

I know that Dinah said that I shouldn't sleep, but I really can't help myself.

I'm really tired.

I'm woken up by Dinah getting into the bunk and climbing over me.

I open my eyes slowly to see her smirking at me.

"What?" I ask tiredly as I turn over to face her completely.

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Where stories live. Discover now