Chapter 2.

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"I want a Happy Meal." She whines, using the back of her sleeve to wipe her mouth.

"I can't believe you have us at McDonalds at two in the morning." I shake my head and cringe as I see her throw up once more. "Why are you throwing up so much if we both only had like one shot, each?" I ask, confused.

"I may or my not have taken like four more when you were talking to the fat neck bastard." She replies and swirls some water around, before spitting it out in the grass nearby.

"Of course you did." I mumble, rolling my eyes because it's so like her. "We should get to my house, because if I take you home like this, we're both in shit."

"But I want a Happy Meal." She pouts once more. "Please Y/N." She adds. "I swear alcohol makes me so hungry."

I huff and get up, open my car door and pull out my wallet.

"I'll be back." I tell her. "Dont go anywhere. Okay?"

She nods and gives me a smile.

I shake my head and go into the 24 Hr. Diner.

"Hi." I smile, approaching the woman behind the counter.

"Good Morning." She replies loudly, causing me to cringe internally.

"Yeah." I give her a tight lipped smile. "Can I have a Happy Meal please? And a Jalapeno burger." I order, looking up at the menu.

"Sure sweetie." She smiles, before punching some things into the computer. "Do you want nuggets, a burger or - "

"Nuggets please." I cut her off, knowing Tay loves them.

She nods.

She gives me the amount in total and I pay her, sitting down at one of the empty tables near the door, so I can keep an eye on Tay, just to make sure she doesn't get stolen or something, and its close enough so the WiFi is kind of strong.

So... it's a win - win situation.

I log into the WiFi and onto Facebook, just to check my notifications.

When I read over my notifications, I shake my head and exit the app and open my messages to message my Mother.

Me (02:34) : Please stop tagging me in Facebook pictures.

I then totally forget that its two in the morning, and I press send.

I close the app before she texts back, because she's the type.

"Hey there stranger." A voice says, causing me to look up. "You followin me around or somethin?"

"You wish." I give her a small smile. "But I'm just taking care of the drunk." I reply, looking out the window to see if Taylor is still alive.

Eh, she's moving.

"So you decided to come to McDonald's at two thirty in the morning?" Dinah chuckles, taking a seat in front of me.

"Shes like a kid." I explain. "I would never hear the end of it if I didn't stop here." I add. "And she's kinda sorta my best friend and I'm whipped in a weird way."

Dinah laughs lightly.

"So, what are you doing at McDonalds at two thirty in the morning?" I ask, leaning back into the chair.

"Well, almost same problem as you. Except my bandmates aren't drunk, they're just hungry." She says, nodding towards a black Range Rover in the parking lot.

"Well maybe you should go order for them then." I reply, nodding towards the counter.

"Right." She chuckles. "Excuse me for a second."

Complications (Dinah Jane/You)Where stories live. Discover now