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AN: Short story based on Greek Mythology

The winds were strongly blowing across the ship carrying the saltiness from the ocean waters and the gentle perfumed scent of the stunningly attractive allamandas, hibiscus, and frangipanis. The cruise ship was one of the biggest out there and was currently sailing along the edges of the main island. Tourists scampered along the wooden tiles of the boat trying to get a view of the first stop on this trip. They took out their phones or cameras and started spamming the take photo button. But Paris stood there empty handed; she admired the beauty without the modern use of technology. Her hazel eyes darted back and forth. In the distance she could see the flowers blooming, the fisherman catching fish, and the tropical waters so clear the exotic fish swimming inside it could be seen from her angle.

     Above her the sky was overlapping with dark clouds that left a tight feeling in her stomach of something bad. The winds were getting stronger and nearly blew off her hat until she put a hand on top of her head. The waters made the boat shake harder than earlier and a booming sound rang through the air. Bright sparks of light struck the ground swiftly causing fires on the houses and plants. The lightning was extremely powerful and made Paris' ears ring after every bang. Flames grew taller as the air no was replaced with the smell of smoke. Paris frowned at what stood before her. Tourists were running inside to their rooms or panicking along the railings of the ship. Screaming replaced the sound of laughter and the ocean. It was chaos.

     Where is Isabel? Paris jerked her head and ran into the crowd. She needed to find Isabel, her twelve year old cousin. She always looked up on Paris as her instructor or for guidance. The two of them came on this trip together with Paris's grandmother. Her heart felt like it cracked into two pieces. She spun around in every directly hoping she'd find them. "Isabel?! Grandma Tina?!"

     A light tap hit her shoulder and she turned. A shock of relief hit Paris. A girl a couple feet shorter than her was gripping on her arm scared. "Paris, I've been looking for you and so has Auntie Tina!" the girl shouted. "What's happening?!"

     "A storm," Paris replied staring into the distance at the ocean and danger coming their way. "Where's Auntie Tina?!"

     "She's in our room waiting," Isabel began, "We need to get off this ship fast!"

     Paris and all the other passengers jerked across the boat as it tipped back and forth. Huge waves splashed against the ship, water rising up to the railings. The thunder pounded harder like a drum solo for a band and the lightning hit the ground faster. Though something was off about the lighting; it had a purple and pink glow to it. Paris held onto her cousin tightly and ran through the crowd hoping to get to her grandma in time. Sirens blasted and lights flickered against the walls. Paris lifted her head.

"Everybody hold on tight!" yelled the captain.

     She reached for a railing with one hand and with the other she held Isabel. Any second now the ship would begin to flood with water. The waves came almost reached the height of the ship itself. The bow splashed into the ocean, water sliding across the decks and terraces. Paris shut her eyes and gripped tighter. Hard wet waters hit her skin like icy hail. The railing grew slippery but she was able to keep herself from letting go.

     More waves entered the boat splashing tons of people into the ocean. The sound of suffering emit from the depths. Paris opened her eyes, everything blurry. She saw the few people left and the cracks forming along the edges of the ship and the water spilling from under the doors.

"We won't be able to make it to Auntie Tina! It's too flooded down there! I'm sorry Isabel!"

     "No! This can't be!" Isabel cried. "She has to be alive!"

     "Isabel, face it. Auntie can't be alive." Paris heard her cousin whimper, her misty eyes blinking as she cried. "The only hope we have to survive is to take the safety raft and beat the waves' ass at this life or death race."

     Another wave hit soaking the two girls even more. Isabel nodded in approval and held tighter onto Paris who was sliding along the railing. Her nerves tingled with an eager sensation as she walked along the boat. Suddenly, she halted and extended her arm. At the end of the ladder was a raft made of cheap metals shining against the dark and violent sea. Paris hopped onto the raft and held onto the metal handlebars.

"Quickly, the next wave is coming!"

     Isabel was right behind her rushing down the ladder. The wave was right on her tail. Droplets began to sprinkle her in cold water, then in violent splashes against her soft skin. Isabel kept going, her teeth clenching and her heart pounding. A huge wall of water hit the ship again, curling and crashing against it. The girl grew tired, her hands slipping on the ladder. Within seconds she could feel the water squeezing between each finger, slowly her hand hand sliding. Another blast hit the ship and she fell into the ocean screaming. Paris shouted and untied the raft as it fell from its position. She sailed away and watched her tears fall from her eyes. Isabel drowned.

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