Chapter fifteen

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"Wait what?" I asked confused. "I'm sure I heard that wrong. For a minute there I thought you said we were going to break into the opera house. I'm sure you didn't because that would be crazy, and wrong." I said.

"No that's exactly what I said."

It was then that I realized he wasn't joking and I started having a panic attack.

"No no no. We are not breaking into the opera house. Do you know how much trouble we would get in?" I asked.

"I don't know why you are so worried. If you get caught you probably get a stern warning. If I get caught I'll get hanged, so I should be more worried then you." The Phantom answered.

"That's a good reason why we shouldn't do it. You don't want to get hanged! Now that that's settled I better get going. It was a good lesson, goodnight." I said really quickly trying to rush out as fast as I could.

Unfortunately for me The Phantom was too fast and grabbed my arm on the way out.

"Hey that hurts!" I said. He loosened his grip a bit but he still held onto my arm.

"Look I know you're worried about loosing your job. But you are going to have to trust me on this. This will improve your singing. Do you trust me?" He asked.

I had to think a moment before I could answer this. On one hand he just yelled at me and he keeps grabbing me. On the other hand all his methods have been helping me become a better singer. I also believe that he doesn't mean to hurt me. Now it comes down to if I trust him or not.

"Yes, I trust you." I said after a while.

A smile started to creep onto his face. "Good,"he said. "because now it is extremely important for you to listen to me." He said.

"How are we going to break into the opera?" I asked.

"First we just go out the normal way you usually come in. After that we need to find a way to get into the ceiling." The Phantom explained.

"Is there a way to sneak in from the roof?" I asked.

"I have a plan and all you need to do is what I say. Now are you ready to go?" The Phantom asked.

"Yes I'm ready."


"Ouch!" I cried.

"Keep your voice down. We don't want to get caught!" The Phantom whispered at me.

"When you said we were going through the ceiling, you forgot to mention that there are no lights up here! I've bumped my head so many times! In the morning I'm sure I'm going to look like Frankenstein," I complained.

"Stop whining and help me get this door open!" The Phantom hissed at me.

After we got out of the passageway we had to make are way up to the roof. When we got up to the roof The Phantom found another passageway that led to inside the ceiling. Once we were inside the ceiling we started walking around looking for a door that led to the opera house.

"Have you finally found the door you were looking for?" I asked.

"Yes now if we open this door it will lead to boards that allow you to fix lights and stuff above the stage. Once we land on those boards we will have to jump down." The Phantom explained.

My eyes nearly jumped out of my head when I heard that we would have to jump down.

"No I am not going to jump down. The room it like five stories high! Plus I heard that a one of the guys that used to work here fell from the roof and he died." I said.

The Man behind the Mask (The Phantom of the Opera) Where stories live. Discover now