Chapter 1 Beginning of the End

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"Adeline Lynn Brown get down here breakfast is ready!" My mother called. I get up with excitement and joy "it's Saturday!" I yelled. I run down the stairs filled with joy. "Good Morning Adeline." my mother said calmly. "Good Morning Mom," I said with a smile. "Honey!" she yells. "Time for Breakfast." My father comes rushing in and gives my mother a quick kiss. "Sorry Honey I can't eat breakfast I'm late for work." He says quickly. He looks at me and nods "Bye Pumpkin" He says with sadness. He rushes out the door and leaves. "Mom, why does dad have to work every weekend?" I asked confusingly. She looked at me with a blank face "So what are you doing today?" she asked with a fake smile.

She changed the subject so quickly. She hated talking about my father's work hours. He works 10- 15 hours so he's never really home to spend time with me."I don't know mom, can Lindy spend the night?" I asked. Lindy was my best friend we've been friends since the third grade. "No sweetheart your father is working late again tonight and won't be home till dark." She said built up with anger."But mom.." I said also with anger."I said no Adeline!" She yelled. I sat there angry at my mother and didn't say a word and finished eating.

I got up and left the table with so much anger. "Get back here young lady and clean your mess!" my mother yelled. I angrily went back to the table and put dishes in the sink and cleaned the table off. "Adeline I want you to go up town and get some milk for dinner tonight, can you do that for me?" My mother asked calming her anger. "Yes, mom ok," I said also calming my anger. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." My mother said sadly. "I just have a lot on my mind right now." She said quietly "Here, take this and go get some milk please," she said. She Handed me a 5 dollar bill that was crinkled up in her pocket. "Yes mom," I said. I left the house looking at my mother with a worried look.

"Wow! It's nice and beautiful out" I said to myself. The grass is green, the sky is blue, everyone is out mowing their lawn or taking a jog. Our town Dernsvile has always been nice. Wonderful neighbors, close friends that live by, it's great here! Our school is just nearby down a block or two, Dernsvile High. It's so close to my house I can walk to school every morning.

As I walk down the sidewalk I see Mr. John, my favorite English teacher. "Good Morning Mr. John," I said joyfully. "Good Morning Adeline," He says cheerfully.

Once I arrived uptown, I went into the market " Good Morning Jerry." I said with joy. Jerry knows my mother, she's been up here many of times before. "Hello," said Jerry so boring and bland. I went straight to the back I knew right where the milk was. This wasn't the first time I was sent up to get some milk.

As I walk out I saw older teenagers picking on a younger boy, a boy my age. I ran over there as fast as I could "Hey leave him alone!" I said scarcely. The younger boy looked at me scared and frightened. The teenagers looked at me with anger and left the boy alone. I ran over and said, "Hey are you ok?" He looked at me and nodded yes.

I helped him up off the ground, he didn't even say thank you. He left with fear in his eyes about to cry. I picked up the milk and walked back home. Once I got home I walked in and saw a man. It was one of the men that worked with my father. I asked curiously "What's going on mom?" The man stopped talking, my mother looked at me with sorrow with tears running down her face. "Adeline, I need you to come here for a minute I need to explain something to you." She said. I looked at her worried and scared of what she was about to say. I sat down on the chair about to cry because I was so overwhelmed.

"Adeline, this is David he works with your father." She said drying her tears. "Hi Adeline, I need to tell you something about your father." He said sadly. "What happened, tell me," I said frightened and scared. David explained, "Your father and I was heading to the store for some wood and the car on the other side of the road wasn't paying attention." He paused for just a second and I asked "What happened?" with tears in my eyes. My mother couldn't bare it and left the room crying. "The vehicle hit your father's side of the car. The driver nor your father survived. I called 911 as fast as I could but it was too late." As he finished explaining.

I sat there overwhelmed, scared, mad, and unhappy. "I'm so sorry for your loss," David said. He got up and left to the other room to make sure my mother was ok. I was so angry and sad at the same. I didn't know what to do or what to say I was so upset. My life as just ended.

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