The end (haha)

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this is the end of Emilie's story, i know its a bit subtle, but i just found out that its better like this. now im happy xDDDDDD and that happiness doesnt really have room for my crappy writing lol so.... ya sorry lol to the like 1 and a half people who liked this, if there was more (but doubtful) then i dont mean to de humanize you by not including you in the 1 and a half :P but ya here haha

*** 8 and a half months later...

     I run towards the door at the end of the hall, I bang the wood with my fists.

     "Let me in!" BANG. BANG. BANG.  I feel a warm little river flowing down my stomach, so I ift up my shirt and find that my stomach is bleeding. Red, red, warm and wet. Leaving me feeling dizzy and sad. Oh well, it's just a nose... that's what Luca used to say. Only he lived because it was just a nose. Somehow I dont think I'll be as lucky. Red and warm and slippery. My hands are covered in the stuff. I have enough to drink forever if I was a vampire. Gallons and gallons, buckets full, a flood. Blood, blood, blood. Grab a glass. Drink up, I hope it will help you.

     Tell Gemini and Nate that I love them. Hell maybe they'll miss me so much they'll name on of their daughters Emmy. That'd be nice, but I doubt it. Maybe Adam will feel bad, Maybe Fletcher will finally get to find the girl without me standing in the way. Maybe Brendonn will finally get to live a normal life. My vision slowly fades, the pain spreads and I feel weak.

     "EMILIE!!! Emilie hold on please! Dont, please stay. For me." Someones arms cradle me. Fletcher? Adam? Nate? maybe its even Alex.

    "Emmy, hold on, help is coming. Everything will be alright. Look, Madddy is getting help. Hold on please hun!" His tears fall onto my neck as he whispers promises we both know he cant keep, and i dont blame him. he just wants me to stay with them. but i cant... I can finally get to know my mom after 9 years. maybe I'll finally eat a chocoalte chip cookie. And we'll take walks with my dad, and the three of us will remember the laughs we had, or the silly things Gem used to do. and I'll be happy.

     And at that moment remember something really cool. Spencer. and his black hair with the blue highlights. and his smile that lit up the room and his complete awesomeness. And i remember we went to brittons with jon and alex and ellie and nate. and the purple dress i wore. and everything i didnt remember before.

     "Name the boy Spencer," I tell alex with a smile on my face. Im happy.

     "I love you guys."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2011 ⏰

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