Chapter 3

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I distantly remember falling asleep in my private oasis when someone kicks me awake. I look up at his ugly, hatred written face.

I officially hate Dirt.

Dirt pulls me up onto my feet and I'm surprised at how weak I feel. My feet and legs are now a numbing ache, my stomach is sore, and my jaw is all bruised up. The only good thing today, is that my headache is gone. My mind is sharp. My thoughts are dashing and sparking and exploding within my head. My thoughts are coming together, stringing together, completing my thoughts. Making a conclusion, making a summary, making a plan.

Once again, Dirt takes me to the death trap they call a wagon.

As I begin to push the wagon, I notice that my former wagon slaves are with me. The ones that ate in front of me, while I was not given any food.

The thought of food makes my mouth water and my body want to crumble.

Just today and tomorrow, then I get a full meal. I think to myself, but I know I have to do something before then. I need to get food somehow. I can't last that long, I need to take or win it somehow without getting caught.

My thoughts are going wild in trying to find a solution to my food dilemma.

After a few hours of agony, we stop to break for a meal. And I am fuming.

My fellow wagon slaves are eating.



In front.

Of me.

And I have to strain to stop myself from strangling them and taking their food. The shaggy haired boy is wolfing down his food while the quiet girl is trying to savor hers.

And that's where my thoughts explode. My first instinct is to get enough food, water, and shelter, it always has been. And when I don't have that, my mind is no longer mine anymore. It becomes survival of the fittest in my brain. My mind runs situations, solutions, plans without any effort.

And it was then, when I thought up the perfect plan.

The night is always pitch black when we are allowed to go back to our shelters and sleep. Well, post, for me.

I don't even struggle anymore as Dirt escorts me back to that ugly, wooden symbol of my defeat and carelessness.

It's embarrassing.

But I don't care anymore. I don't care about how embarrassing it is or how Dirt looks at me, always that smug stupid smile on his face.

I don't care anymore.

But then, Dirt stops and I'm forced to stop with him. He turns his attention to me and I immediately know that whatever he's thinking is very, very bad.

"You know what, girl? I have been thinking of your punishment for tonight and I finally think I got it." He's eyes flash with secrecy. He turns back to the other soldiers and raises his voice for all of them to hear. "How do you think this girl will fair against Roland?"

The soldiers instantly bellow and cheer and raise their voices in understanding.

"Who's Roland?" I say before I can stop myself. I brace myself for a punishment that I know is coming.

Instead, Dirt looks thoroughly amused.

"You'll see soon enough." He turns to a pair of soldiers who are standing nearby smiling. "You two! Go get Roland and inform him what is about to take place. I would think he will be thoroughly enthusiastic."

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