Chapter 16

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Torian rushed down the steps of the palace and turned the corner. Then he saw her, Rosily.

He breathed out a sigh of relief.

When he had heard that there was an attack, he had abandoned post and rushed down to see if Rosily was okay.

Her blazing red hair and her silk green dress made her like a beacon of light, telling everyone where she was at all times.

By the look of her expression, his panic rose.

Finally, Torian reached her.

"Princess, are you alright?" he asked.

Rosily turned around and her frown became a slight smile as she saw it was him.

"I'm fine, Torian. Shouldn't you be on post?" she asked him.

With the reassurance of her being okay, Torian relaxed.

Of course, that also meant that his amazing personality bloomed.

"Oh, I don't know. I might have thought that you needed rescuing. A man cannot resist to rescue his damsel in distress," he said with a teasing smile, his head held over exaggeratingly high.

Rosily laughed. "I'll let you know if that ever happens."

"Do indeed, Princess."

Even though Torian and Rosily were close, Torian did not call Rosily by her real name, not unless there was no one around; it was not very polite or formal.

Torian offered up his arm to her.

Rosily giggled a little as she accepted his gesture.

Torian quickly looked towards the entry doors.

There was the dragon symbol of the Assassins League painted in blood. There was a message also in blood that read, 'Give Her Back.' The letters were dripping blood that left trails of red streaks down the door.

And as he looked around, he saw a large number of guards. One of them, he presumed was the leader, had a scared and bearded face. He seemed to be giving orders to the guards. There were a group of guards surrounding someone that he couldn't see. But as the guards moved, he did a double take.

He saw her.

The same long blonde hair, the same short stature, the same blue eyes.


Jeffrey was issuing stupid, pointless orders and I have had enough.

I still can't believe that the king was going against the Assassin's message. I had tried to warn him, but he had not listened.

Of course, he had no idea the consequences that will follow.

On the other hand, I do.

Hello, I was--I am--part of them, I correct myself. I should know what the consequences are for defiance.

I have been with them.

I quickly push the thought away.

I look around and see the pieces of the black arrow on the floor. A black arrow was always never a good sign. It was the symbol of death. In fact, many deaths.

Many deaths to come.

I sigh with frustration.

If only he would listen! He was putting the whole palace and all it's people in grave peril. He was handing us over for slaughter.

But something was still confusing to me.

'Give Her Back.'

They meant they wanted me, but . . . why?

I look away from bloody mess and focus on something else without much success.

As soon as the King had left, I noticed that Aaron did also, looking particularly pale and guarded.

Obviously, I noticed that there is something between the King and his son, but I still have not found out what that is. Yet.

Again and again, I see the slight reactions Aaron has for everything that his Father does.

I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I know what it's like.

Let's just say, not all my scars and bruises were from my enemies.

I twist myself so I can look around; the guard's hold on me is tight.

I see a blur of red hair and recognize Rosily. I see a man beside her offer his arm and she takes it.

I nearly turn away, but something stops me.

The man looks over his shoulder and I see his face.

I gasp.

He has the same exact dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. The same broad shouldered build; the same handsome face.

Suddenly, I can't feel my legs and I fall to the ground.

The guards are so startled that they release me.

Everything dulls and turns white around me. And all I can see is him.

Him as I always remembered him as.

His eyes lock with mine and he stills.

He recognizes me, too.

His eyes widen and his mouth parts.

"Nicole," he says. One word and I know for sure that it really is him. My hand covers my mouth in amazement and disbelief.

I soon come to realize that someone has pulled me up from the ground and is escorting me away.

I don't have the strength to fight; somehow all my energy is stolen from me.

I quickly snap my attention away from him and hastily look away.

It's not him. It's not him. It's not him.

But I know it's true; there is no denying it.

My best friend has returned from the dead and has come to haunt me.

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