Chapter 15

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Winston started towards Nicole, trying to be the one to escort her back, but he was soon called after. He turned to see who had called for him.

It was a messenger from the king. They could always tell who the king's messengers were by their uniforms. Much like his own, the messengers had a deep green uniform, but without the golden sash that crossed the chest. Instead of the sash, messengers had golden cuffs on the edges of their sleeves and on their neck collar.

This messenger was an older man, too old to be a soldier, but not too old to still be able to do work for the king. His hair had started to gray and his face had started to get wrinkles. He had a long face with high cheek bones.

"Yes?" Winston asked.

The messenger stood tall; of course, all messengers had the same posture. In the palace, messengers were the most arrogant and annoying. They always thought that they were the most favored by the king and liked everybody around them to know.

"The Queen has requested your presence," the messenger said. Even his voice carried a great deal of arrogance.

The queen? Why would Queen Taliea want to see him? Did he do something? What did he do?

"Very well, lead the way," Winston answered. He glanced back at Nicole before he followed the messenger.

Winston was lead through the halls. Though, he paid little attention; he knew where they were going.

Suddenly, Torian came into view.

He had dark brown hair and equally as dark brown eyes. He was tall and athletic. Winston and Torian were around the same height.

Winston tensed and barely restrained himself from glaring at him. Whenever Winston saw Torian, he always had the urge to punch him in the face and hopefully break his nose.

Torian was an arrogant, self serving boy that acted like he was a spoiled six year old rich kid that got everything he wanted. You know the kind of kid that throws a tantrum whenever he doesn't get what he wants.

Even though Torian was also a Palace Guard, much like himself, Winston always had an eerie feeling around him. Thankfully, Winston was a Captain, so he didn't need to deal with Torian, who was lower in rank than him.

He also happened to be heading in the opposite direction that Winston had just come from.

"Why aren't you at your post, soldier?" Winston inquired; masking his hatred.

Torian did not stop as he neared Winston.

Insubordinate idiot, Winston thought, then he thought more and rephrased it: Wayward, ignorant, pig-headed cretin more like it.

"The palace has been attacked, I'm going to help hold order," Torian said smoothly. Just his voice was like nails on a chalkboard to Winston.

But it was true that a few of the lower palace guards had been ordered to help with the scene, but Winston was suspicious.

The messenger had continued a few feet before realizing that Winston had stopped.

"Who authorized you to abandon your post?"

"I didn't abandon—"

"Captain Winston, the Queen is expecting you," the older messenger reminded impatiently.

"I was just getting—" Torian started.

"And on what grounds—" Winston began. They were talking at the same time.

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