Chapter 6

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Princess Rosily decided to go straight back to the palace since the visit to the death camp. She felt both, so disgusted that she didn't want to see anything else that day, and also excited to prepare the arrival of the girl.

When they had finally caught sight of what was happening, it was clear that the man was not going to stop whipping the girl, nor that he would end it quickly.

It was revolting.

Now, Rosily was stepping out of the carriage and was walking back to the safety of the palace building to prepare for their unexpected guest.

"Your Highness, why did you do that?" Winston asked from beside her. "That girl was being punished for something and it appeared to be very bad. What will the His Majesty think of this, Your Highness?"

Rosily did not stop to answer his questions, but the thought of her father made her nervous.

"It will be fine. I'll talk to him," she responded.

"Good. Well, good day, Your Highness," Winston said stiffly as he walked away, probably to fulfil another one of his many duties.

Rosily sighed and walked back to her room. She opened her bedroom's door and gently closed it behind her. Her bed was a creamy-white color. Her windows covered all along one of the walls. The closet was about half the size of her room, and was packed full of dresses, shoes, and other clothing. Her room could be a whole separate house by itself.

"How are you my Princess?"

Rosily found him leaning by the huge windows that reached ceiling to floor.

She found herself smiling the widest smile.

She ran to him and hugged him. And he hugged her back.

She pulled back to look at his face.

Torian had hair almost as dark as the night sky, with eyes that were brown as chocolate. He was tall for his age and was absolutely amazing.

"Did you get in trouble while you were out? I didn't expect you to come back so soon," Torian said while twirling a piece of her curly red hair.

Rosily smiled crookedly at him.

"Ahh. I see. What was it this time?" he asked with a look of amusement.

Rosily slid her hand into his and lead him to the balcony outside. He didn't protest.

"I went to one of the death camps and saw something that I wish I didn't see," Rosily said to him.

She could feel Torian tense a bit at the mention of the death camp.

They stood there on the balcony in silence. Rosily's head resting on his arm, their hands intertwined.

"Did I ever tell you that my dearest friend was sentenced to one of the death camps?" Torian asked softly.

A spark of surprise and interest lit within Rosily.

"No. Who was it?"

"It doesn't matter anymore, they're dead now. But we did so many things together."

Rosily tried to imagine a man that would be defined as Torian's best friend. He was probably a guard like Torian was.

"Do you miss him?"

Torian gave a sad small smile.

"I don't know. They were always trying to push me away. To protect me, I guess," he said with such sadness, it hurt Rosily's heart to see any pain or hurt in Torian.

"You have me, right? I won't push you away. I'll always be here if you need to talk," she said comfortingly, hoping to lighten the mood.

He looked down into her hazel eyes and smiled.

"So, tell me what you saw at this death camp."

All thoughts of lightening the mood vanished from Rosily's thoughts. Images flashed and appeared across her mind as she remembered the nightmare.

"Well, we were checking the supplies when we heard a scream. Oh, Torian, it was so horrible! The captain there was whipping this girl not much older than me. With one of those barbed whips. I thought she was dead by the time I got there. She was bruised and beaten everywhere. She was practically drowning in her own blood, there was blood everywhere, and the skin on her back might as well have not been there! Just blood, blood everywhere Torian. And I couldn't let him go any further. So, I arranged for the girl to be escorted here by tomorrow night."

Torian just looked at her for a few minutes in silence. Then pulled her into a hug. Rosily didn't realize she was crying until Torian gently wiped her tears away.

"Well, we have lots of things to do to get ready, I guess," he said.

Rosily pulled back from his embrace and looked at him in surprise.

"You mean your not mad?"

He chuckled a little.

"No. In fact, I'm going to help you. Don't you forget I will do anything for you."

Rosily smiled with relief.

"Okay. Let's go get ready for her arrival."

"Princess, let's not forget that this girl went to the death camp in the first place for something bad. I think your father wouldn't appreciate a criminal being here without extreme precautions."

"Yes, I think you're right."

"She will have to stay in the dungeons until we find out more about this person. Wait, you have told your father before you decided to bring her here, right?"

Rosily remained silent.

Torian breathed out a sigh and ran his free hand through his black hair.

"I know, I'm going to tell him after she arrives. But we have to focus first on getting her here, precautions, like you said," she said.

"Okay, let's go."

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