CHAPTER 5: The Great Attempt...

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          We were on our way to the opening that would take us to Helium Kingdom, we left about three in the morning. We took two planes and a train, and then rented a car for the drive; this was a serious road trip. Daddy was still mad about the hotel but what could he do about that? He wasn't too thrilled about me visiting Chandler either.

I went to see Chandler, he was okay of course, and it was very comforting to know that he recalled who I was. His parents were scared half to death, when they had heard he was electrocuted in our hotel room, but it was believed to be a power outage, a rather strange one, but no one could ever really know the truth.

I had to explain why I was missing for four days, daddy did most of the talking concerning it, he said I was ill and when his parents came to visit I was unconscious, having fainted from the pain of my birth mark. So now I had to explain why I would be gone for about a week, daddy wasn't sure how long we would be allowed to stay on the werewolf plain but he was pretty sure, it wasn't an extended visit.

"So what do we have to expect", I asked daddy.

"What", he answered.

"I mean, we are rogues", I said, "Will they kill us on sight, torture us, what? I asked.

"Honestly, I don't know what to expect", he said.

"Why is this even necessary", I sighed, I just really wanted to curl up in bed and go back to sleep, I was too tired.

"It's necessary because they take a census of the species and it is out nature that fuels the Empire", he said.

"Why do we have to fuel the Empire", I was irritated.

The point of being banished is to never return, not to be forcefully returned by a compulsion you had no control over. I was so mad, the King ruined our lives, he would listen to nothing my father had to say, no one never sees the King anyway, at least not in his human form. The stories that were heard was that he was a really big black wolf, midnight black if he was seen. Only a handful of people knew what he looked like, so he could walk among us and we wouldn't know. Well you could know if he wanted you to, the power that he could radiate wasn't something you could miss, well if you were dead you would. They say, it's almost like a compulsion, in his presence you couldn't help but bow to him, those were the stories anyway.

"We give life to the Empire and it gives life back to us", he answered, but I really was passed listening, this was so unfair, if it weren't for the threat of imploding, they would have to come hunt me themselves.

"We aren't far now, do you feel that Rayne", he asked.

"Feel what". I asked bored.

"That energy", he said smiling.

"What energy", I replied; I really didn't feel a thing.

"You're joking right", he said looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Nope", I answered.

"Every wolf feels it, it's the king's calling card", daddy said more to himself than me, all his hairs stood up.

"Daddy I really don't understand, what you're saying", I said looking at him.

"Never mind then, maybe you will feel it when we cross over", he said.

"Okay", I answered.

All I did was look out of the window and take in the scenery, I missed Chandler. Daddy told them that we were going on a trip to some place I never heard about, where there was no cell phone reception, so I wasn't going to expect a call from Chandler or Kris, I could see how this was going to turn out. Kris came to see me but I was still unconscious, mommy said that she was worried because I didn't seem to be waking up, but they told her I was fine and I was reminded to call after I woke up.

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