Chapter 4

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I'm so disappointed and annoyed of what was happening between my group and that Lee Daeum. I already got splashed by chocolate milk and my uniform is ruined.

I wanted to get mad at that girl because I was only trying to help her. I know she didn't mean to aim it to me but what was upsetting was she laughed at what she did and sarcastically said sorry.

"Come on Hyungwon just keep your cool." I tried to make myself chill as I walk to the school clinic. 

The clinic is the place that offers extra uniform for students to borrow, so I had to go there and change.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Ill borrow extra uniform please." I said.

"Chae Hyungwon? What happened to your uniform?" I was asked as she handed me a uniform.

"Someone threw chocolate milk to me." I said recalling what Daeum did to me.

I left and went to change in the restroom they had and afterwards, I went out because I was done. I walked to our classroom but I suddenly saw Lee Daeum coming out from the girls' restroom as I passed by.

I tried to walk past her but she looked at me and eventually followed me.

"Chae Hyungwon!" She called me.


I inhaled deeply as I turned around to face her.

"Mwooo?" I sighed.

She walked closer infront of me.

"I'm sorry..." She apologized.

"Are you sincere?" I said.

"For wetting your uniform and splashing your face with chocolate milk, I'm very sorry.... and.. for laughing as well." She humbly apologized.

"Ok." I said and turned to keep walking after I was done with her.

"What the heck isn't he gonna apologize as well?! Cold flower boy indeed.. Suits him just right." I heard her talk to herself.

I could hear her talking because I haven't walked too far yet. I turned around to her again and spoke.

"Ya, I heard you." I said.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened.

"Fine. Say whatever you want. I'm cold? You don't even know me well to judge." I said.

I was so fed up of all the misunderstandings about my personality. People keep saying I'm cold hearted... I'm tired of it.

I left her after speaking and directly went into our classroom without looking back.



Ahjussi finally came to fetch me! Ughh finally I can go home!

I quickly went in the car in a hurry to leave this place now thay school day was over. As soon as I entered, I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Ahjussi, you're my lifesaver!! I just can't explain how I felt in that school earlier ughh!" I ranted.

"Haha arasseo.. let's go home." Ahjussi laughed at me and my reactions.

I stormed in my house and was greeted by Minki ahjumma.

"Daeum-ah, I prepared you a burger." She said as she made me taste it.

"Mmm! Yummy." I complimented.

"How's your first day?" She asked smiling.

"Ummm.. it was fine." I lied.

"That's good then." She said.

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