Chapter 19

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Guys look at Hyungwon in the media. It's called change~ tell me if you get me or noticed my concept for Hyungwon okay guys?


I've blocked Minhyuk in my phone, numbers, accounts and anywhere of which he can reach me. He still doesn't want to let me go but it's fine, he'll get over me soon.

Once again I go to work to attend to the cafe's customers.

As I was sitting down taking a short break, a customer entered so I quickly stood up and made my way to attend to the counter.

"Hi ma'am welcome! May I take your order?" I greet her.

"Uh yes. One iced americano please." She spoke slowly in a cute way.

"Iced americano.. is that all?" I asked.

"Mm? Uh... yes." She smiled.

"Alright, here's your change. Just wait a minute." I said to her as she went to proceed to her seat.

A few moments later, I finally got her order and went ahead to serve it to her table.

I was walking ahead while I saw her excited for her drink but suddenly, I didn't notice janitor ahjussi mopping the floor so as I stepped, he also swiped the mop to my feet causing me to suddenly step on it and stumble.

"Aaahhhh!!" I screamed as I fell down while the drink I have in my hands, got thrown up in the air.

"Oh my gosh--"

I also heard the drink landing and spilling. I looked up and there I saw our customer half-wet with the drink.

"Oh no! Ma'am I am so sorry!" I quickly went to her rescue.

"My skirt's wet..." She fidgeted over her clothes.

"Sorry! Here." I took a tissue and started wiping off the americano everywhere.

"No no it's fine.. how about you? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes, don't worry." I answered still guilty.

She nodded and got her bag but I saw a wallet falling so I took it and checked before giving it to her.

"Miss? Your wallet..." I handed out.

"Oh yes.. Did you see info here inside?" She asked me as she took it.

"Haha.. not really." I said.


ring ring..

I heard her phone ring and so she then took it to answer.

"Yes? Alright sir.. I'm coming. Break's almost done. For a moment sir... Alright thank you." She answered as I look at her.

"Oops... gotta go back soon to the office." She said.

"Office?" I suddenly said out loud.

"Yep.. I work in an agency. Im in charge of paperwork." She smiled.

"I... I uhhh graduated under clerical services too.." I spoke.

"Really? Oh my gosh so what's your name?" She asked.

"Lee Daeum." I answer.

"That's too bad why are you still working here in a cafe. Hmm.. I want to help! Let's get you a job in my workplace. You want?" She offered.

"Ummm.. really?" I asked.

"Yes! Nevermind about what happened just awhile ago. It's fine but wouldn't you want to work in my agency too?" She said.

I thought about it... I want to take this chance.

"Yes why not....Ill think about it a bit more." I said.

"Keurae! Here's a business card! I have to go now. Annyeong Daeum-ssi!" She said as she quickly took a sip of the remaining Americano she never got to drink in the bottle before going out to leave.



"We are soon landing. Please fasten your seatbealts."

The speaker said.

I opened my eyes slowly.

It's me and I'm back.

After 4 years of study in the States I'm finally going back home to Korea. Soon, Ill get myself a place in our company. Soon, I'd be a boss.

Life was not easy but sometimes, it's not something that you need. It's someone.

And for me, all along I think I now found that person. She who made me happy, she who kept me company, she who aided my sad heart.

It feels good and now that I realized, I am truly ready to go back and face everything. I am ready for this responsibility.



I looked at the business card. For no reason, I suddenly started to study all my books and notes once again here at home based on instict. Yes, I seriously need a job now.

I am going to get that job!


annyeong! authornim is back! hahaha I have a small update for right now so please bear with it...

Dont forget to vote or comment guys! Feel free to do so!

Ill be back soon with another chapter as much as possible :))

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