Chapter 7

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AFTER DROPPING MANDY off, Ryan returned to his apartment, showered, and got dressed. Even with his keen interest in the occult, the situation with Mandy was damned freaky. In a way, though, it was exhilarating.

One person's name came to mind that could possibly shed light on the situation: Professor Sebastian, University of Chicago history professor. The Indiana Jones of the occult, his background was rich with sabbaticals, world travels, and research on a range of topics including witchcraft, voodoo, paganism, Mayan religion and much more. His unique research papers offered compelling arguments amid much controversy. Tales of his riveting lectures spread across campus like wildfire, filling his classes to capacity in record time.

Ryan had the good fortune not only to attend his classes, but become his Teacher's Assistant. Eager to please the man, who was somewhat of an idol, he put in many long hours at minimal pay. Ryan liked the prof, but felt he held back in the classroom, like he knew more than he let on. He read every paper the prof ever wrote. Still, he suspected there was so much more to learn.

Ryan cleared his throat and dialed the professor.


"Hello, Dr. Sebastian? It's Ryan Taylor calling. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No, Ryan, not at all. What can I do for you this morning?"

Ryan fidgeted with a pen, ready over a blank pad of paper. "Well, sir, I desperately could use some advice that you may be uniquely qualified to provide. Would you be able to spare a few minutes of your time — face-to-face if at all possible?"

"Sounds important. Of course, of course. I have an appointment in two hours, but if you can be at my house as soon as possible, I have some time."

Ryan wrote the professor's address on the page. "Thank you very much, sir. I'll be there shortly."

He tore the page from the pad, grabbed his coat and headed out the door.

* * *

THE BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN house sat well back of the oak-lined boulevard. Ryan pulled to the curb, briskly walked to the front and rang the bell. Professor Sebastian opened the door wearing his trademark tweed jacket with elbow patches, khaki dress pants and wire-rimmed glasses. He'd aged a bit over the summer months, showing more salt than pepper in his once dark hair.

"Ryan, how nice to see you again. It has been a while. Come in, come in." The professor waved him inside. He led Ryan to a massive study, rife with books and artifacts, and closed the door behind them.

Ryan stopped just inside the room and turned. "Professor Sebastian, I must respectfully ask that what we discuss here remain confidential. I fear for the safety of a friend if the information were to be made public."

"Understood and agreed. Please, sit down. What is this about?" Professor Sebastian seated himself at a wing chair and motioned for Ryan to take the chair opposite. A small antique coffee table sat between them. The seating nook was private and cozy, nestled into a large bay window overlooking a neatly manicured yard.

Right to business, that was Professor Sebastian. Ryan liked that. His no-nonsense demeanor put him at ease.

He sat down across from the professor and cleared his throat, suddenly self-conscious that he'd come off sounding like a nutcase. "So, you've come across many things not easily explained, right?"

"You could say that, yes."

"Have you ever seen anyone disappear?"

"How do you mean?"

Ryan took a deep breath and decided to get on with it. "I have witnessed an apparition."

"Are you saying you saw a ghost?"

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