Chapter 12

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"LET'S GET TO business, gentlemen," Brother Dan said, approaching the front of the hotel meeting room with a gleam in his eye and the hint of a smile.

Seth closed and locked the door behind the twelfth and final member of the chapter to arrive. Having learned nothing new over the past twenty-four hours, he was relieved to let Brother Dan take over the meeting.

Dan stood tall and cleared his throat. "Tomorrow, we'll bow out of our afternoon and evening activities for a little adventure — starting with a charter flight to Ioannina. From there, we'll visit the ancient site of Dodona, where Zeus himself sought divination from the Oracle. Although the magical oak is long gone, felled by heathens deceived by emerging religion, all was not lost."

Brother Dan paused. Seth leaned forward in his seat, anxious to hear more.

"You may recall from the Sacred Book of Revelations that a few acorns from the magical oak were rescued — flown by black pigeon to a lofty perch where they'd take hold and await discovery by those who are worthy. And, Brothers, it has happened."

Amid the murmurs, Seth glanced around the room. His jaw slackened.

Dan continued, "Not far from Dodona, a surviving thicket of magical oaks was found and claimed by the Brotherhood — a sacred grove of great power."

Seth could hardly believe it. A reborn Oracle of Zeus? It was a miracle, an affirmation of the teachings of the Brotherhood. He felt a lightness in his chest. What a glorious time to be alive.

"We have, my Brothers, an unbelievable opportunity to perform a vision quest in this vortex of power, amongst the mystical and magical oaks of Zeus. Permission from our holy fathers to visit the sacred grove has been granted." Brother Dan rubbed his palms together.

"Unbelievable," said Brother Christopher.

"What did you tell the Elders?" Seth's voice cracked.

"I did not have to reveal anything. They are most satisfied with our work in America. And especially yours, Brother Seth, for that incredible find last year of the sacred text of Isis, Goddess of Magic. This is their reward. There is only one condition and that is, we cannot tell anyone, including our Brothers outside of this chapter. I agreed that we would keep quiet."

The Brothers nodded in agreement.

"A helicopter will drop us near the sacred grove and retrieve us the following day. The pilot is of the Brotherhood, of course, sworn to secrecy. We'll spend the night. Pack what you'll need in a backpack — sleeping bag, water, trail food. There's an outfitting store just up the street from here. The temperature can be chilly in the mountains, dipping to forty degrees Fahrenheit, so bring something warm."

Seth's mind raced, thinking of all the things he'd need to prepare.

"Rest well tonight, Brothers. Tomorrow we will be monumental." Brother Dan spread his hands and gazed at the ceiling.

The prospect of visiting the ancient site of Dodona was exciting on its own; Seth had never made the side trip up there. But the sacred grove? It was a legend. He'd never heard of anyone actually going there. Of course, those who had, had probably sworn to secrecy. It was understandable that the Elders limited access to the sacred grove. It was in everyone's best interest to protect its location.

The excitement in the room was palpable. While the Brothers rose, patting each other on the shoulders and discussing arrangements for the next day, Seth sat glued to his chair, staring straight ahead. What would the vision quest reveal? Would the vortex of power enlighten them? Warn them? Would their chapter become part of Brotherhood history?

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