Chapter 14

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THE BLADES OF the Sikorsky S-76 slowed to a stop. Seth and five of his comrades including Brother Dan had been chosen for the first trip aboard the six passenger private chopper. Seth unbuckled the four-point harness, removed the headphones, and stepped out onto the flattened bed of gravel.

The pilot opened the rear luggage compartment and unloaded the backpacks. Then, reaching into a special compartment, he removed an antique wooden box and handed it to Brother Dan. "Here is your sacred brew, compliments of the Elders. Take care, gentlemen."

"Thank you, Brother Zach. It is truly an honor." Brother Dan shook his hand.

The Brothers took cover in the surrounding trees while the blades whirred to full speed and the chopper left the ground. Once the noise had faded to a dull thud in the distance, Brother Dan set the box on the ground and carefully opened it. Inside was a detailed map of how to get to the sacred grove. Below the map sat twelve glass vials nestled in red velvet, each one cradled in a bored out depression of foam, protecting them from breakage.

"We might as well scout the way before night falls," Brother Dan said. "Let's find the sacred grove, shall we?"

"Definitely." Seth beamed. "How far away it is?"

"Just over two miles according to the map. We should have plenty of time to get there and back before the chopper returns with the rest of our group."

The circuitous flight path they'd taken, southeast over Ioannina Island and Dodona, before looping back due west of Ioannina, had taken just over half an hour one way.

"It sure beats the idea of sitting around waiting for an hour. Let's go," Brother Avery said.

Brother Dan added the wooden box of brew to his pack, hoisted it to his shoulders and then led the way. The path to the grove was not obvious. It was a wise decision to scope it out while the light was still good. Secret signs were unobtrusively laid out along the trail. An outsider would have a hard time finding the trail, even with the map.

The trail precariously wound up along a mountain stream, crossing back and forth. Irregular boulders served as stepping stones.

Seth didn't mind falling into place at the rear of the group trekking through the mountainous terrain. He was thrilled he'd been drawn for the first group to visit the grove. He would've respected the draw and waited his turn, but being first, accompanying Brother Dan in this once-in-a-lifetime quest was more than he could've hoped for.

The hike was a welcome bit of exercise following the sumptuous feast back at Ioannina. Knowing it would be his last hot meal before spending the night on the forest floor, Seth had eaten heartily, enjoying the lamb souvlaki, lemon-baked potatoes, Greek salad and buttery baklava for dessert. His belly was full. The fresh air and exercise did him good; life was good. Brother Dan's toast at dinner still resonated in his mind. "To destiny, truth, and enlightenment." Seth couldn't have said it better himself.

Overall, the day couldn't have been much better: the private jet charter to Ioannina; the afternoon in Dodona; the private helicopter charter; and now, en route to the most powerful place on earth — the reborn Oracle of Zeus.

After twenty minutes of arduous slogging along the stream with a couple of short breaks to decipher the map, the trail left the stream and headed deeper into the forest, gaining elevation quickly. The roots and rocks provided a challenge, but they were in reasonable shape and it wasn't far.

Seth could feel the power even before they arrived. The hairs on the back of his arms stood on end. Turning the final corner, the black pine trees of the dense forest opened to a glorious clearing, surrounded by the most magnificent oak trees he'd ever seen.

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