Chapter 24

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MANDY PEERED INTO the darkened alley, her senses on high alert. The back entrance to the Occult Bookstore lay mid-way down the block. A shiver crawled up her spine. She'd decided to go to the back door; it was less conspicuous at this time of night.

She took a steadying breath and tried to calm her nerves. It was quiet - too quiet.

Tall brick buildings lined either side, blocking most of the streetlight. Dumpsters emitted a stale, rotten smell intermingled with urine. The homeless frequented the area, using the many nooks and crannies to lie hidden.

Mandy felt watched. Hunted.

She paused, listening, the rear door mere steps away.

Strong arms grabbed her from behind, one hand clasped across her mouth, the other pinned her arms to her sides. She jolted rigid.

A male voice in her ear whispered, "Chicago Police. Remain quiet. Nod if you understand."

A flush of adrenaline washed over her. Her heart pounded so loudly in her ears she barely heard. She could hardly breathe with his hand over her mouth, severely restricting her intake of air. Mandy convulsively nodded.

The voice continued, "I'm going to remove my hand. Do not scream. Do not run. Got it?"

She nodded. As soon as his hand was removed, she gasped for air. Close to blacking out, she bent over and rested her hands on her thighs. It felt like her bones had turned to mush.

He gave her a moment to catch her breath. "OK, Mandy. Look at me."

Mandy straightened. Through blurry eyes, she saw the man that'd been tailing her. So much for losing him.

"We're going to leave the alley, go get a coffee, and chat."

Noting the gun in his hand, she nodded.

He ushered her out of the alley, one arm supporting hers, the other barely concealing the gun in his jacket. Rounding the corner onto the well-lit street, he asked, "Where's the nearest coffee joint around here?"

Having regained some of her composure, she motioned with her head. "Next block, that way."

"I'm going to holster my gun. I just want to chat, OK?" He said, escorting her toward the coffee shop.

Mandy silently obeyed.

He held the door open for her as they entered the cafe. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods made her stomach growl. She hadn't had anything since the sandwich at lunch.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

"Coffee and a muffin would be nice."

"Sure." he ordered the same for himself, paid and took her to a table at the back.

She dove into her muffin, polishing it off before he'd even finished doctoring and stirring his coffee. "Hungry?" he asked, splitting his muffin in half and sliding half toward her.

"Thanks." Mandy sheepishly accepted it. Making an effort to taste it this time, she tore off tiny pieces and daintily chewed them, unsure of what'd happened to the first one.

He watched her intently. Half-way through their coffee, he leaned back in his chair. "OK, Mandy Burkhardt, please explain to me what the hell is going on."

She looked at him and asked, "What's your name?"

"Detective Dean Marconi. My friends call me Dino." He offered his hand across the table to shake hers.

Mandy raised an eyebrow, wiped her fingers on a napkin and shook his hand. A strange introduction to an interrogation, she thought. "The detective I spoke to earlier."

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