Its a date

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I enter my art class. Right away I notice Megan which makes my stomach turn. Not because we broke up or anything but because I hate when I get those few people who ask me out because they actually like me and think they can get a relationship out of me. It kind of makes me feel bad but at the same time I'm kind of known for not sticking with someone for longer than a couple of days. It's not really my fault. She glares at me as I make my way over to my normal seat on the opposite side of the room. I plump down in a chair and stretch out my legs. I pull out my phone from my pocket and check it as I wait for the bell to go off. Although I do get a lot of dates and people asking me out, I don't really have any friends so I'm lonely through out the day and I'm usually on my phone because I have no one to talk to. I sigh to myself and look up from my phone. I notice the guy, who I think is named Phil, getting up. I don't look back at my phone as he is friends with Megan and he is pretty damn attractive. I keep watching him when he turns around and starts heading away from Megan. My eyes widen as I realize he is making his way to me. I turn off my phone and sit up as he stands in front of me. He crosses his arms and let's out a long sigh. He then bites his lip as if he is nervous.

"Ummm hi, Dan. I'm not sure if you know me but-"

"Phil right?" I ask. I watch as his eyes widen.

"How- how did you know?" He asks.

"Well for one, Meghan mentioned a guy named Phil and I'm assuming you are him." I start. He nods his head. "And two, you are in my math class as well and not going to lie, you are pretty cute." I add. His eyes widen as the tip of his cheeks turn pink.

"You think I'm cute?" He asks. I lean back in my chair and bring my hand to my chin as if I was thinking.

"Hmm, turn around slowly." I order.

"What?" Phil asks.

"Just do it." I say. Phil sighs as he slowly spins his body around. I'm just messing with him right now, but I do actually find him attractive. I check him out from head to toe. His full frame tall and slim. His shoulders broad and square like. His chest pushed out from how he stands straight instead of on a slouch like me. His tummy small and squishy. His legs long and thin. His butt round and grab able. His black hair making his skin look paler which makes his crystal blue eyes stand out. Fuck. He's basically sex on legs. He faces me again as confusion is printed on his face. "Yes I do find you cute, pretty hot actually." I complement, which makes him blush even harder. I smile to myself as he scratches the back of his head. I'm not one to flirt or complement someone first, but I couldn't help it, which is strange to me.

"Well in that case. Are you busy tonight, or are you already booked for the entire year?" He asks. I smile a bit as I shake my head.

"I'm not sure. I have to check to see who's on the waiting list." I reply. His eyebrows raise to my response.

"You have a waiting list?" He asks. I shake my head again.

"No. I was kidding." I say. Phil nods his head. He keeps standing there as he looks back at Megan. I bite my lip as his tall frame stands in front of me. I gotta say, most guys that ask me out I don't really find that attractive but he is really something. He has sharp black hair that mixes well with his pale skin. It almost makes him look like he would be cold at the touch but is probably quite warm. He has deep blueish yellowish eyes that stand out with his blue flannel. You could go swimming in those eyes. His voice is low and deep and you can actually see his Adam's apple when he talks. He has nice huggable shoulders that are broad and strong looking. His shirt fitting him so you can see his curves which look really good. He's big but at the same time looks really small which looks really cute and-

What is happening? I've never felt this attracted to someone before

I felt goosebumps crawl among my arms as I look away from him. I swallow hard as I start nervously playing with my hands.

Am I actually nervous? How can I be? It's just some guy who is probably here to get one date with me and later have sex with. Plus he's probably here to get revenge for me hurting Meghan or something. Nothing else, but then why do I feel like I want something more from him?

I shake my head as I take a deep breath. I'm probably just nervous because I haven't been asked out by a guy in a long time, if he even is asking me out.

"Is you asking if I was busy tonight your way of asking me out?" I ask. Phil shoots his head back to me. I watch as he starts blushing again.

"I don't know. What do you think?" He asks. My eyes widen to his response. I don't know why but he just seems different from most people.

"Well, if you are asking me out. What do you want to do?" I ask. Phil stands there as he think for a minute.

"I don't know. I haven't been on a date in a long time, but I guess just hanging out, getting to know your date is good enough for me." Phil says. My eyes widen even more. Usually people want to go to a high fancy restaurant or got to a really shitty movie I've seen millions of times, but he just wants to hang out? "Probably sounds lame but I don't like going to expensive restaurants or going somewhere where I have to dress fancy. Id much rather just stay home, watch old movies or tv shows or anime, order pizza, and just hang out." Phil adds.

Oh my god. He is like me, and did he say anime? He likes anime too? Who is this guy?

"Probably explains why I haven't been on a date in a while." Phil chuckles. My hands start to sweat as I can feel the adrenaline in me increase. I'm actually getting really excited about this date because even though I've been on a ton of dates, this one is different out of all of them. Phil bites his lip before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, that was probably really lame. I'm just going to go." He apologizes as he turns around.

"No wait." I stop him as I stand up, grabbing his wrists which makes him turn around. "That actually sounds really fun. Plus I love anime as well." I say. Phil's eyes widen and he smiles.



"So it's a date?" He asks. My heart skipping a beat as he asks.

Why am I feeling so nervous towards him?

"It's a date." I confirm. He smiles and nods his head. I let go of him and he makes his way back over to Meghan. I sit back down and head back on my phone, but I couldn't concentrate. I don't know what it is about Phil but he seems different from most people who ask me out and it's making me feel things I haven't felt since I dated PJ. No. I don't have feelings for him. It's just he's the first guy that has asked me out in a while and I'm just excited. Yeah, that's it... I think.

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