Chapter 18 - 4 374 days

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Dear Moon,

All this running has given me endless opportunities to explore the world. And even though I hate to admit it, I have to say that I'm thankful for the people hunting me. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be running all over this planet.

For now, I'm in some place where they have lots of jungles and animals. It's really warm here and I'm constantly sweating. But I do like it here and I think I might just spend a few years in this continent before I move on. In addition to all this, this place have some really pretty ladies which is always nice to look at. But none of them could ever compare to you, my love.

To me, you were the brightest star in the entire universe, and now that you're gone, I always look up at the night sky, imagining your pretty face.

I think I'm going to stop writing these letters for a while. My hands are getting weaker and weaker, and it hurts to write. Maybe I'll just start talking to you instead. That works too, right?

Until we meet again,




Hello potatoes!!

So this is the first and porbably only authors note I will be making in this short story. Except for the one in the end of it, but yeah. It's almost over you guys! There are 22 chapters in total, plus the epilogue and I'm really excited because this will be the first story I've ever completed. 

Anyways, after this I'll be starting ''Paper boy'' which will be in dialogue so go and check that out! 

Until next time, 


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