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Nun-ya: Oh man I had this story on one of my notes for SO long now! I'm going to finally bring it out so I hope you guys enjoy.


"Bloody dust!" Arthur sneezed for the umpteenth time that afternoon. He brought a hand to his nose as he continued to go through the old boxes that still laid unmoving in his attic. He finally decided to do some spring cleaning and this blasted attic was the last one on the list.

He continued to go through the box finding nothing of importance in it besides old sweaters and knickknacks from his time in high school. His hand halted on a thick Blue and silver cover with large white letterings spelling out Hetalia High arched across the top. His eyes quickly scanned the remainder of the box, and when nothing else caught his eye he pushed it aside and walked down the steps to make his tea, with the year book firmly held under his arm.

When the tea was finally made he went to sit on his favorite armchair and placed his drink on the coffee table beside him. He couldn't keep his excitement in any longer and opened the book to the first page. What greeted him were the many good wishes from his fellow classmates.

Most wished him a wonderful future, while others left a 'hope to never see you again brows' curtesy of one named Gilbert Beilschmidt. He even laughed at one from his old rival, Francis Bonnefoy, who wrote in flowery cursive writing.

'From your dear friend, le frog, I hope you reach your dreams and goals as easily as your bushy eyebrows reach your eyes. Try to smile more mon ami, and hope your love life with mister golden boy improves ;) au revoir!'

He smiled then realized what he ment by 'golden boy' he quickly scanned for any notes left by one, Alfred F. Jones, his high school crush. They fought a lot yes, however, that never stopped him from daydreaming about him at the time. He just couldn't believe he had completely forgotten about Alfred.

No notes signed by Alfred were found so he continued to look through the yearbook. He smiled as he watch the teacher's all in the teacher's lounge smiling and either drinking a cup of coffee or giving a peace sign. What was is with the American's and showing off a peace sign while taking pictures? He giggled and shook his head. Next couple pages were of the high school teams. The girls and boy volleyball, softball, baseball, girls and guy's basketball team, and he even saw himself standing with a big smile on his face next to his teamates on the soccer field. (Nun-ya: I'm American, I get to say soccer!) Another picture was of him kicking the ball away from the opposing team with a look of determination displayed across his face. He had made the winning goal and helped the team reached the finals.

Arthur continued to look throughout the book until he reached the pages with each student's face on them. He scanned through all until he reached Alfred and his own picture placed next to each other.

A smile grazed his lips as he stared at the boy who he had a huge crush on back in high school. The American gave a bright smile towards the camera showing his perfectly white teeth. Arthur was also smiling on his own picture, however it was nothing compared to the 100 watt smile of the golden boy.

Arthur wondered what would have happened if he had finally asked Alfred to be his boyfriend. Somewhere deep inside he felt the other held the same feelings towards him, but was too afraid to speak out his own thoughts and ask. He had become extremely close to the American boy, close enough to be considered best friends, and Arthur was terrified of ruining that. Which is why he never dared try anything and just enjoyed his time next to the other as just being best friends.

He wondered what Alfred was doing in life now. He had known the American loved science and wanted to become a biologist, he seriously hoped that Alfred had reached his goals in life and is living a happy one. Of course the other thought that haunted his mind was if Alfred had also found someone he loved. It's been almost five years since graduation so it wouldn't come to be a surprise if he had. So why did it still hurt Arthur after so long of not seeing his crush that maybe he had fallen in love with someone else.

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