Love or Career

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Green eyes stared towards the football field. The chill of early December weather finally reaching sunny California. He pulled his sweater tighter around himself. He didn't need anything thicker cause the state still felt warm on occasions. The breeze was what caused him to shiver, and made his cheeks redden, but only slightly.

The British boy turned his eyes back down to his textbook. He wasn't even sure why he took it out to begin with, he hardly paid any attention to what he was reading. Most of the time he'd look back up and stare at his boyfriend run laps around the field or practice, with his fellow team members, American football.

Yup, this stuffy Brit managed to snatch himself a handsome jock. One that everyone adored and wanted to be friends with. He smiled as he watched his boyfriend, number 50, aimed the ball, swung it behind his back, then threw it as hard as he possibly could. His eyes widened however seeing him get tackled down to the floor right after. He abruptly stood from the bench and watched as the tackler stood and held a hand out for Alfred. Bloody hell these neanderthals are ruthless! His heart skipped a beat as he watched Alfred reach for the hand and pull himself up, patting the other on the shoulder pads with a smile.

Arthur sighed and sat back down. He loved coming to see his boyfriend, however, hated to see him in any kind of harm. He gave a small wave of his hand, hardly noticeable, when the other flailed his arms above their head to get the British boy's attention. This wanker, stop making a scene! He mentally yelled at his exuberant boyfriend cracking the smallest of smiles. He just adored Alfred, and loved him with all his heart.

He turned to his side looking at the athlete's jacket sitting next to him. Red dusted his cheeks, and this time, it wasn't from the cold.

"Here you go Artie, it's getting a little cold, and I don't want my British crumpet freezing while he watches me" The American chuckled as he took his jacket off and handed it to the British teen.

"Bugger off you fool, I wont be needing it, and I might not even stay that long" The shorter male grumbled as he crossed his arms and turned away with a blush. His boyfriend pouted and went to grab him.

"NO! Babe please stay! I'm sorry. I won't call you my British crumpet, but your just so damn cute when you get all grumpy!" Arthur blushed even more while being spoken to with so much love in the other's voice and by the pet names he insisted on calling him.

He placed his head on the strong chest in front of him hiding his red face and from the emberrasment he was about to cause on himself. "I d-don't mind, idiot, and f-fine I'll take your blasted jacket, but only because your making me stay to watch you in this cold weather" He hugged his boyfriend around the waist and squeezed to pull him closer, telling himself once more, it was only to hide his flushed face from the other to see.

Alfred laughed as he pulled his boyfriend close and nuzzled the blond wild hair with his nose. "Artie, your too cute for your own good. Fine, cause I'm making you, please wear my jacket when you start feeling cold, kay?" He pushed his blushing boyfriend to see his adorable red cheeks and furrowed eyebrows, his amazing green eyes looked anywhere else but at his own.

He placed a hand under the other's chin and lifted it to get him to look at him. When those beautiful green uncertain eyes looked at him back his heart skipped a beat. Something only Arthur caused by anything he did, he was just overall perfect and Alfred always felt an amazing feeling of happiness knowing he was the one with Arthur.

He gave the shorter teen a huge smile then leaned in to kiss the cute button cold nose. "Wait for me after practice, babe."

Arthur was brought back from the earlier event when he seen the jacket almost falling to the disgusting floor. He quickly grabbed it before it fell and slowly put it on. Feeling the overwhelming warmth of Alfred all around him.

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