The Portal

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Mabel's POV
"Listen, Mabel. I was just going to say that you may hear some bad stuff about me and some of it is true. But look into my eyes. Do you really think I'm a bad guy? Everything I've done has all been for this family!" Grunkle Stan said to me.  I look at him as Dipper starts to yell.

"Don't listen to him, Mabel! He's lying! Press the button!"

"Mabel, please!"

I look into Grunkle Stan's eyes as I try to decide who to trust. I think of all the times Grunkle Stan had helped us over the summer. I think of every adventure I had been on with Dipper. I quickly make my decision as the clock counts down from 5.
I look up at Dipper and then to Grunkle Stan.
"Grunkle Stan, I trust you," I say as I let go of the button and start to drift upward.
"Mabel, are you crazy?! You're going to get us all killed!" Dipper yells at me.
Suddenly, the lights start to swirl faster and faster around the portal. Everything goes white, then I fall into darkness.

Dipper's POV
Almost as soon as everything turns white, it all returns to normal. I sit up among the rubble and look around. I notice that I can see the sky when I look up. The portal must have cause a gravity anomaly so strong it busted the floor and ceiling of the shack. Oh no! The portal! Mabel could be hurt! Where is she?

I quickly climb out from under the debris and start to look. I don't even care to help Stan up. I walk over to Soos and help him, though. "Mabel! Where are you?" we call out while looking. We scour the room and find no sign of her. "No, no. Where is she?!" I yell.

Behind me, I hear Stan start crying. I turn around with a disgusted look on my face. "Why are you crying? Did you just lose the one thing that was most important to you? Huh? 'Cause I did. BECAUSE OF YOU! Where did that thing take her?"

"She is in another dimension. With my brother." At these words, Stan starts to cry even harder. "I was trying to save him from that world. It's my fault he's in their. A fight thirty years ago. He's been in there for thirty years as I was here trying to find a way to start that thing up again. Now, I don't know if I can try another time." Stan then gets up and takes a book from a table. I noticed that it had a golden hand with six fingers on it. In the center of the hand, a 1 was written.

I'm slightly confused by the book. Then I pull out my journal and realize that Grunkle Stan has the first. I start thinking of where he could have gotten it, when a question comes to mind. "Was that book, your brother's?" "Yes," came the reply. "And where did he get it?" I ask. Stan replies saying,"He wrote it. Everything about this town is written in its pages. Everything about the other worlds is hidden in plain sight."

Grunkle Stan turns on a black light as he turns the pages of the journal to the last. He lays the book on his desk to reveal blue writing. He grabs journal 2 and takes journal 3 from me and lays those born as well. "You don't know how happy I was to find journal three. It held everything I was missing to start the portal. I didn't want you kids to get hurt, so I didn't tell you." Stan turns and looks at me with sad eyes. I return his gaze with anger.

"Oh the feels! Mr. Pines! I'm sorry for all of this!" I hear Soos say from behind me. He then runs up and gives Grunkle Stan a hug.

"I'm not sorry!" I yell. "How could you not have told us? Your brother was trapped in another dimension, and now my sister, so you decided to recreate the portal that got him there. Oh, you also forgot to mention that the portal could have destroyed the world! How can I trust you anymore? What haven't you lied about? Are you even my Grunkle? Is you name even Stanford?"

Grunkle Stan looks hurt at my words, but I don't care. All I care about is getting Mabel back.

"Yes, I do admit that I haven't been entirely truthful lately. I should tell you everything about me and my brother so you can understand what was going on." Stan turned to face Soos and I. "I'm going to tell you the truth. My real name is Stanley, and my brother is Stanford. Now, I begin this story at Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey."

Stan continued to tell his life story about he and his twin. I zoned in and out of the tale, but I understood that the two didn't get along after a small mistake. Many years later Stan comes here to meet Ford only to be met with disappointment and anger. They get into a fight, Stan is burned and receives his 'tattoo', and Ford is thrown into the portal. Since then, Stan has been working to get the portal started again to save his brother. Only, us kids got in the way, and now two siblings are stuck in another dimension. This day has had the best turn of events.

I walk away from Stan as I realize that the government agents are still in the shack. This day keeps getting better and better. Then I remember the memory gun. Maybe I can use this on those guys so they will forget about us, I start to think. Hmm. I wonder if it will work. I run out of the basement as I'm punching in the letters P I N E S F A M I L and Y. I reach the top and open the vending machine door. I then blast the agents with the ray to make them forget. They seem dazed for a moment then look around, confused. Soon, all of the agents are getting in their vehicles and leaving.

Good. That's one problem solved. Now onto the next. I hope I can find you, Mabel. I wish you are safe, wherever you are.

Hey guys! Let me tell you now so you won't get angry with me. I will update when I finish writing the next part. It may be a few hours, it may be a few weeks. It just depends on how creative I'm feeling. Well, I hope you enjoy reading this AU!

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