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Dipper had finally put the portal back together. He put the last sheet of metal over it an hour ago. Now he worked on getting the calibrations correct in order for the portal to come back on.

Dipper read through the journal again hoping to find the data he needed. He came to the page with the diagram and scoured its surface for the answers. He found a set of numbers on the bottom point of the triangle.

Dipper ran to the dials and knobs on the side of the portal. He put in the code for that point, then ran back to the control room. Dipper pulled the lever to start the machine, but it didn't even creak or spark.

"Agh!" Dipper yelled. He threw the journal across the room in his frustration. It hit and bounced off a cabinet near the floor. The door opened to reveal a tank with a viewing window. The content inside was very low.

The label on the side said Nuclear Waste.

Dipper came and looked at this.

He shouted out, "That's it! I just need more fuel to power this. Electricity can't do it alone, but where to get it?"

Dipper thought back to the night of the incident. He and Mabel were watching the tapes of Grunkle Stan pushing in the barrels full of the stuff. Dipper even thought about Stan's slang of "hot Belgium waffles". It was funny to look back on now, but that night was still painful to remember.

Dipper went to the elevator and got the video from the event. He watched the video, waiting to see the logo on the barrel.


Dipper zoomed in on the picture to see the logo on the front of the barrel and also hazmat suit. They were from water plant at the edge of forest. It filtered out toxins from the town's waterways.

"Well, how do I get there?" Dipper asked. He pulled up a map of the woods and found the plant. He then traced a route to the Shack. He had found an old trail that he could easily uses.

Now, all he had to figure out was transportation.

"Hmmm. Maybe I could take the truck in the night. I can drive. Yeah."

Dipper closed the map and started planning his break in.
It was about midnight when Dipper was ready. He had gathered everything he may need. He stuffed a flashlight, a mask, a grappling hook, and other things into a black book bag and went outside.

He went around the shack and found the truck. It wasn't used often, but it still worked. Dipper grabbed the tarp that was on top and pulled it off. Underneath was the old pickup.

The boy reached in his pocket to get the keys he stole from Stan. He rummaged through them until he found the one that was for the vehicle. He opened the door and hopped in the drivers seat. He put the key in the ignition and turned. The truck roared to life with a satisfying thrum.

"Yes," Dipper whispered. He didn't know if the truck had enough battery to start. Now he looked at the gas gauge for the fuel. It had three quarters left.

"Oh this is perfect." Dipper let off the brake and released the clutch. He moved the stick shift into first position and started forward. He pulled out the Mystery Shack exit and turned the truck to the woods.

He drove down an old trail. It was overgrown with brush and vines, but dipper pushed the truck forwards. The boy drove for about an hour before coming to the factory. He parked near the door and headed inside.

"Where would I be if I was some nuclear waste?" Dipper whispered to himself. He continued to walk around and found a staircase going down. The boy followed it.

Dipper opened the door to a room full of barrels with the same logo on them.

"Yes. Jackpot," he said. Dipper grabbed a barrel and picked it up with ease.

It was empty.

"Well crap."

Dipper checked every barrel, and each was empty. He went back upstairs to search some more. Dipper search many rooms until he found the one containing the waste.

"Okay. Now I've hit jackpot."

Dipper grabbed a dolly from a storage room and loaded a barrel onto it. He pushed the cart outside to the truck. He lowered the truck bed and heaved the barrel into the back. Dipper was just glad the truck was low, or he wouldn't have been able to get it in.

Dipper loaded the truck with barrel after barrel. It was a daunting that took a while. The boy pressed on until the bed was almost full. That's when he saw red and blue lights.

"Oh no. Oh no no no." Dipper ran back inside trying to hide.

The cops walked into the factory just as dipper ducked behind a desk.

"We have arrived on sight. Searching for robber now. 10-4," said Officer Blubbs.

"Copy that," was the reply from his radio.

Dipper gave a sigh of relief. It was only Blubbs and Derland. He could get away easily. He just needed a distraction.

Dipper shuffled around on the floor watching the two cops as he did. He had made it around and almost to the door when he ran into a potted plant. Why it was there, he didn't know.

The two cops turned around and shined Dipper with the flashlight. They didn't see his face very well since the boy ran immediately.

"Hey! You there! Stop!" Blubbs cried out.

Dipper ran out the door and into the night. The cops ran after him and held their ground. Dipper continued to run down the road as Blubbs and Derland trailed, started to catch up. Dipper was about to turn into the woods, but the two cops were right behind him.

Derland pulled out a taser and shot it at Dipper. The boy stumbled and rolled across the forest floor. The two officers stood, catching their breath, as they looked at Dipper.

"Now boy, what were you thinking? You have to come with us, son."

Dipper groaned as he sat up and was restrained. Blubbs pushed him into the back of the cruiser, and the three headed to the police station to press charges.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in over a month. I still have writers block. I'm currently writing the next chapter to this and three other stories. I'm working as fast as I can.

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