The Dark Realms

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Get ready for a long chapter with lots of action!

Mabel's POV
I woke up to see Ford packing up his bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

I realized that was a bad choice after he jumped and knocked over his pack, spilling all of its contents.

"You're up. Good. We must be going soon. I was done packing, but now I must repack."

I winced at his word. "I didn't mean to startle you. I'm just really curious. Where are we going? I am going, right? You can't leave me here."

"Of courses you're coming. You wouldn't survive on your own in this dimension. I plan on taking you to another, better, safer dimension," Ford explained.

I frowned at his last comment. I didn't want to stay in any dimension other than my own, with my family. I looked at Ford and asked, "What dimension? The one in from, hopefully?" Ford turned away from his pack and looked at me with sad eyes.

"I've tried to get back there. As you can see, none of those attempts were successful. I've been stuck here for who knows how long. Time is different in every dimension. In our world, only an hour may pass, but here it could be a few years, or just a few seconds. But judging from my appearance, I've been here a long time. I came here when I was in my thirties. And even if we did get back, there's no telling what would be waiting for us."

He returned his focus to packing. I believed that he tried to get back, but I also believed that there was a way to get back to it. I refused to think that I was stranded. "Well, you know what? I am determined to get back home, no matter how long it takes, and I will get there."

We were ready to leave about an hour later. Ford grabbed the pack and started walking out of the cavern while I followed close behind. We walk for what seems like forever, but it was probably less than an hour. By that time, we had walked out of the floating forest and were standing on an open field.

"Is this where we're going to swap dimensions, however that works?" I asked Ford. "And how are we doing it?"

Ford then took a small book out of his coat and started flipping through the pages. I noticed elaborate drawing on some pages and descriptions and phrases on another. "Ah-ha. Here it is." Ford turns and sees my confused expression.

"Usually I'm by myself and can use a smaller incantation to open the world between worlds. However, you are with me, so I need something stronger that open sesame. Once it's open, we can see all of the other  magical dimensions and jump into one. That is how we will move about the worlds."

Ford then returned focus to his book and started muttering. Pretty soon, the colors of the sky started to swirl like a tornado and touch the ground but no wind or noise was produced. The colors continued the spin, but they soon started to fade, leaving a rip where they had just been. Looking inside the tear I saw what appeared to be Outer Space with other openings showing a world.

I started to get dizzy and off balanced looking down at it all.

I had recently grown a fear of heights. It started after Gideon attacked Dipper and me on the train tracks. The sock opera hadn't helped with the fear since Bill Dipper, Bipper, attacked me on the catwalk. This summer has been terrifying with heights.

I'm snapped back to the present when Ford asked if I was feeling all right.

"Yeah. It's just... I'm not a big fan of heights."

"Well, this is the only way to the other dimensions. You can get through this, Mabel."

I turn my head but can't take my eyes off of the rip. "Yeah. Whatever you say."

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