The Other World

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Mabel's POV
I don't know how long I was out, but I woke up in a strange place. I sit up and look out at the vast open area of dull color. There was still colors like green and red, but they were subdued. There was a grey film over everything around me. I look around trying to understand where I am when I see a rock ceiling and broken wooden planks near my feet.

"Dipper?! Grunkle Stan?! WHERE ARE YOU?"

I jump to my feet and run around the cavern. I am looking around bushes and under some logs, but I find myself alone. I sit back down and start to cry. What am I going to do? Where am I? Where are Dipper and Stan? I cry for a few more minutes before wiping away the tears.

I decide to take a better look of my surroundings. I walk around the perimeter of the cavern trying to find an exit. The area was bigger than I thought because there was an underground waterfall and river near the far wall. I walk into an uprising and follow it to the outside. As I walk out of the cavern I notice that the colors are much brighter, and the sky was purple and orange with a blue sun. The trees are what I notice next. They were very peculiar, for they appeared to be growing upside down with the roots on the air and the leaves resting on the ground. Some where even floating a few feet off the forest floor. The leaves where various shades of green from lime to hunters.

I take in the unfamiliar area as I grow scared. I explore for a little longer just because I am curious. There were many crazy animals, if that's what they were. One looked like a fish, but it had wings like an eagle and four legs. Another creature was just a pair of teeth. It turned and snapped at me, so I ran from it wondering how it had sensed me though it had no eyes. I quit running after the chattering of teeth goes away. My stomach then starts to growl, so I look for some sort of fruit. It's as odd as the animals. The first bush I see has some sort of berries on it. I walk up and try to pick one, but the skin opens to reveal an eye. It opens and blinks at me before turning away. At this I lose my appetite and run back to the cavern.

When I reach the mouth of the cave, it is nearly dark. I don't want to find out what hides in the dark, so I quickly gather wood for a fire. Thank you, Dipper. Thanks for forcing me to take that survival course in school. It just may have saved my life. I use two sticks to start a small fire inside. I used the remaining logs and twigs to make a shelter. Even though I'm in the cave, I wanted a roof over my head.

I try to get some sleep, but I'm too afraid of what I'll find when I wake up. Soon, hunger gnaws at my stomach. Let's hope I don't starve here. I roll over in the makeshift tent and slowly start to drift to sleep despite my fears. Good night, Dipper. I hope you're safe, wherever you are. Wherever I am.

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