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^Look! It's Ozzie the Kramun! I drew him so long ago!^

Ford's POV
I carried Mabel down the mountain and to the clearing next to it. She blacked out near the top from the internal bleeding and broken rib. I hoped it wasn't too late for her to recover. We had been in this dimension for far too long after she got injured. Maybe two hours? I just hope she's okay.
I stood outside the small building, waiting for Mabel to wake up. I kept pacing back and forth while the doctors cared for her.

We arrived in this dimension at dawn.

It was now noon.

The door opened and the two doctors came out. They were rather peculiar creatures called kramuns. They looked like octopi, but had legs like a person and a beak. Each creature varies in size and color.

"How is she, doc? How bad are the injuries?"

The kramun shook his head and said, "She has a broken rib, a sprained wrist, and is losing her sight in the left eye. She is currently in a coma, but should come out of it soon. She will get better, but it will take many weeks for the rib to mend. Now, it's time for your check up since we're done with hers. Come inside."

With that, the two kramuns led me into the hospital building. It was rather small compared to the ones in our dimension, but it was a hospital. There were probably ten rooms for the patients on the first floor and a few operating rooms and an X-ray on the second.

I look into a room and spot Mabel laying in a bed with bandages wrapped around her abdomen and a cast on her wrist. She also had a patch over her eye.

"Is it possible for me to stay with her? I don't want her to wake up with out me there next to her."

The doctor turns around while still walking to the checkup room. "Of course, sir. But first, we must check you for injuries as well."

I walked into the room. The doctor did a few tests and found that I didn't have any broken ribs, just some major bruising. He did however find that I had a sprain on my right wrist and a minor concussion. They were small compared to Mabel's injuries, though.

The doctor ran a few more tests, but I had no more injuries. He wrapped my wrist with some bandages and I went to Mabel's room.
It was a few days before she started waking up. She opened her eyes and looked at me with the slightest smile.

"Hey, Ford. Or should I say great uncle?"

I smiled back at her. "How you doing, kiddo? You gave me quite a scare back at the mountain. It's good to see you awake."

Mabel tried to turn and sit up but grimaced. Her unhurt hand went to her broken rib.

"You might want to be still for a while. You have many injuries. You need lots of rest."

She looked at me for a second before asking, "Can you try to explain how we're related? And how you ended up in the portal? I don't think I quite understand it all. And also about the nicknames Bill gave us."

I smiled at her. "Sure thing."

So then I began to tell my story about Stanley and me with my many adventures in Gravity Falls.

"It all began on Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey...."

Stan's POV
I'm sitting at the breakfast table watching Dipper come up from and go down to the basement. He comes up to get supplies and then goes back down to work on that accursed portal my brother made.

I understand why he's trying to rebuild it, but I don't think he can. He's far too young and inexperienced to get the job done. And I'm starting to worry about his sanity. He's spending most of his time down there working. He doesn't eat much. The only time he's not working on the portal is when he's with Wendy.

She may be the only person that he listens to now.

Dipper stopped listening to me weeks ago.  He and I now have such a rocky and unstable relationship when before we were the best of buddies. I wish I could go back to that time when everything was fine.

Wendy walks through the door and sits beside me.

"Hey Mr. Pines. How is Dipper?" she asks.

"Still trying to fix that portal. Now, why are you here? This is your day off."

"Dipper and I are going to the waterfall. I'm trying to get him out of the basement as much as I can. I don't want him down there forever," she explained.

Right then, the vending machine door opened and Dipper walked out. He was covered with sweat and grease stains. He smiled when he saw Wendy.

"I'll be ready in about 10 minutes, okay? I'll be quick."

With that, he ran up to the attic to get ready for his date with Wendy.

I turned to her and sighed. "I'm worried for the boy. You know that already, but I can't stress it enough that he needs to stop with the portal."

"I'm doing all I can to get him out of the house with his mind off of it. But you know as good as me that he won't quite. He would stay here as long as it took to free Mabel."

I hung my head and thought about the many years I had spent working on the portal. I didn't want Dipper to lose thirty years of his life like I did on a broken cause.

"I just don't want him to turn bitter when he can't get it to work. I don't want him to lose any more loved ones to that portal like I did," I explain to Wendy.

"I understand Mr. Pines."

"I don't think you do," I mumble to myself as I get up and walk away. "No one will understand."

Dipper then came back downstairs all clean and ready to go.

He smiled at Wendy. "Alright. Let's go to that waterfall!" Then he ran outside.

Wendy chased after him and I watched them go.

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