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A/N: Oh my gosh I started writing this years ago and I still remember the ideas I had with it. My hubbys on deployment so I think I'm gonna start writing it again. So hopefully someone reads it lol. Also I've changed my mind on the person I want to envision as Delilah. It's been years so yeah. okay getting right into it.

*Delilah's POV*

Before I jump to conclusions one of the guards rush in. A look of relief on his face. He speaks directly to our protective services. The serviceman turns directly to the queen and I hold my breath.

"A rodent chewed the wires going to three surveillance cameras. Per protocol you were taken here and the issue is being resolved" My mother looks highly annoyed but understanding. I just nod my head vigorously.

My mother clears her throat and speaks "Was the palace completely checked as well? And we have weekly exterminators. Find out how this could've happened. "

"Of course your highness" He replies.

We wait around for half an hour or so, until all cameras are back up. We all return to our bedrooms, the guards are still on high alert. Me? I'm completely thankful that it was just some hungry animals and nothing more. I wonder how the boys are doing. I walk up to the certain spot on the wall and push, opening it up. I trek down to Harry's room and I can hear Louis' voice through the wall.

"I don't know about this anymore. That was crazy what just happened. They seriously went on lock down for a itty bitty mouse." Louis voice chirps.

I furrow my brows. I know having a life like this isn't for everyone, but everything they do is to keep my family safe. And without certain protocols for certain things, hell would surely break loose. Also what does he 'not know about anymore'? Playing at my birthday for the princess of England is a pretty big thing. Maybe these boys just don't get that. But I guess I would understand if they wanted to stay somewhere else.

"I know" I hear Harry say, cutting me from my train of thought. He then goes on to say "Do we have to wait until her birthday to leave?"

And just like that my question is answered. His comment hurts me a little. This is why I can't have real friends. My shit always freaks them out too much. The only one that wasn't scared off yet and hasn't tried stealing from me is Amanda. I met her long ago. My dad and hers were best friends since they were young. They both grew up in the palace together. Except one became a king and one became the top chef. They still were best friends up until my father passed. So it's pretty fitting that Amanda and I are best friends as well.

"Yes of course we do! We-" and then his voice goes into a whisper and I can no longer hear their conversation. I turn back around and head for my room. I close my long curtains and head to the bathroom with some pajamas in hand. I run the water in my large bathtub and get in once it's about halfway. I lie there letting the hot water ease my tense shoulders. I almost start to drift to sleep when there's a knock at the bathroom door. What the hell I think.

"who is it?" I ask confused as to who thinks they can just waltz into my bedroom.

"Um it's Harry" he replies. Well,I guess Harry Styles can just waltz into my room. But I seriously need to speak to my guard.

"One minute let me get decent" I get out of the lukewarm bath water and dry myself off with a towel.

I pick up my shirt and realize that somehow! I only brought a shirt! I groan inwardly and open the door once I'm dressed in only a shirt, I peep my head out. I'm met with a smirking Harry, holding my shorts. I must've dropped them walking in here. I reach up to grab them, still trying to cover myself with the door. He suddenly pulls them back right as I'm about to touch them. I feel a puzzled look creep onto my face. He then backs away from the door.

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