f i v e

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    I wake up in the cinema alone and cold. A blanket is to the side of me, but not Louis. I frown. I check my phone to see what time it is. 3:40 A.M.

   I sigh deeply. I pull the blanket around me close and make my way to the door. I open it and shield my eyes from the bright light of the hallway. I'm slowly trudging to my room when I hear a hum coming from the kitchen.  I peek my head through the door to investigate. I see shirtless Harry sitting at the bar with a glass of water between his hands. He doesn't notice me but continues to hum. I recognize the melody, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. I walk into the kitchen, startling Harry a bit.

   "What are you doing up?" I ask grabbing a glass from the thousand-dollar china cabinet.

   "Couldn't really sleep" he replies in a raspy voice, "you?"

   "I fell asleep watching a movie" I fill up my glass with some tap and take a long drink.

   "Cool" He says before standing up and putting his glass in the large sink. He subtly waves as he exits the Kitchen to make his way up the stairs and to his bedrooms. I'm left sitting alone at the Kitchen bar with my thoughts and a now empty glass of water. I put my cup away and also make my way to my bedroom.

   Once I'm into some more comfortable clothes and a pony tail, I lay down. I haven't even thought about Louis since I was half-asleep. But now, I'm fully awake and my mind is going everywhere. It kind of upset me that Louis left me alone in the cinema, like at least try and wake me up. I'm not that hard to wake up.
Tomorrow we are going to Newcastle Gateshead. I thought they could use some space out of the palacc. I mean they haven't been outside of the walls since they first arrived- which was like 3 days ago. I'm excited to see The Angel of the North. I've only seen it in picture and never really gotten around to go see it in person.

    The city is beautiful especially at night. My personal assistant already scheduled for a firework show when it's dark. I smile to myself, tomorrow is going to be awesome. I haven't really seen much of Amanda since Niall came around, so I decided to take her along. I've only really talked to Harry and Louis, the rest of the boys are still a mystery to me, but I hope they like this little trip. Newcastle Gateshead isn't that far from where I live. It amazes me that I have lived here all my life, but I haven't gone to see all of the tourist attractions. I'm busy I guess. I yawn and drift off to a peaceful slumber. 

   I bang on my god forsaken alarm clock until it stops beeping. I squeeze my eyes shut at the sudden bright light of my room.

   "Get the fuck out of my room" I say after I see James setting up his shit in the bathroom.

   "Well good morning to you too, princess. How was your beauty sleep?" He says with a slight smirk. I chuck a pillow at him, but he catches it before it hits him.

   "Get up its Eight O'clock you need to get ready" He literally pulls me out of bed and into the bathroom. I groan when he sits me on the chair. I wash my face with cold water, and it wakes me up pretty fast. James does my makeup and hair, and picks out an cute outfit. Cute in daylight and sexy at night - James. Once I'm all ready I grab a hand clutch and go down for breakfast.

   I'm greeted by beautiful pancakes with my favorite cream in the middle and strawberries on the top. I tell Amanda and the boys the plan for today- leaving out the the fireworks part. Surprise bitch.

   Once everyone's ready we climb into the long black car, where seats are facing each other. I'm on the end sitting next to Louis, who is sitting next to Liam. Amanda is sitting next to Niall and Zayn, leaving Harry right across from me. He looks really good today. He has a striped shirt with the top two button undone and some tan boots. I realize it is apparent that I'm checking him out. I look up into his eyes and they are looking directly at me. Chills run down my body but I look at Louis and try and engage into a conversation.

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