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*Delilah's POV*

"De wake up!! Today's the day" I hear the James shout. I jump up out of bed and get my best set of lounge clothes on in time for my favorite breakfast. Cake flavored pancakes. Amanda's dad made the recipe special for us when we were little-and it's still my favorite. I rush down the stairs and I'm invited by the welcoming smell of food, all different types. That's when I see them. My colorful pancakes draped in cream frosting and sprinkles. My mom and Amanda come down, all still in their pajamas. The boys come down after. Amanda brings out the two candles. A one and an eight. I don't see my brother as they're lighting my candles, everyone telling me happy birthday with smiles. I look at my mother and a flash of sadness comes onto her face, and just as fast as it came it went. I shake my head trying not to be sad my brother isn't here yet.  

Once everyone's in place they sing me happy birthday. I make a wish and blow out my candles. I wish to see my brother today. That's all I really want. I haven't seen him in so long. They all cheer and I take a bite out of the delicious pancakes. Once breakfast is over with, I'm off to take a shower. James is still back in my room when I arrive. I smile and wave and he smiles back evilly. 

I raise my eyebrow at him and head for the bathroom. There's about 4 or 5 people in there and they have converted my bathroom into a mini spa. James grabs my shoulders. 

"Surprise!" He says. "Spa day!" I laugh and clap my hands together. The girls pull me over into a chair and place a hot damp cloth onto my face. Afterwards they put a face mask on me and even cucumbers on my eyes. They massage every part of my body-which feels amazing- and lotion me up. They begin to wash my hair and massage my scalp as well. This is nice, I have to thank James for getting this together. Once I'm all finished they give me a warm towel to bask in. Then I'm off to get my hair and make up done. 

After James is done with me I look ravishing. It's already 12 o'clock when I'm all ready. I sit in my bedroom in a white robe and wait on my lunch to get to my door. I hear my phone ring and see my brother calling me. I pick up smiling. 

"Hey birthday girl"

"Hi! Are you coming today? I really hope you can make it!" I respond. 

The line is silent for a minute. "No De I can't make it today, I'm too held up" He sighs. "But I can celebrate with you when I get back. How about that?"

"Okay. I really miss you. Don't get too busy for me. Please" I respond, trying to mask the sadness in my voice. 

"You know I'll always have time for my only sister. I can't believe you're 18 now." He pauses, "You're all grown up now"

"Oh stop that you're not too much older than me, you can't even say that" I laugh.

He joins my laughing, "I know, I know. Well I'll let you go but I hope you have the best birthday".

"Thank you" and that's the end of our conversation. I wish he meant what he said about always having time for me. If that were true he would've been here today. Whatever I think. 

I hear a knock and get up and open the door. Harry stands there with a small box with a white bow. I look at him a little confused. 

"You got me something?"

"Yeah it's nothing too special, but I'd thought I'd give it to you now"

I smile accepting the box. I turn around and go sit on my bed. He follows. I begin to open the box and I see a beautiful cold ring. It's just a thin band, but beautiful nonetheless. 

"It's an indention ring. The more you wear it the more your skin is indented. When you take it off a heart stays in your skin."

I take it out and place it on my finger. 

"It's beautiful Harry, thank you" I smile up at him. 

"No problem. I thought you'd fancy it". "well I better leave you to it. See you in a bit" and he's off.

I stay there staring at the pretty thing for a couple moments. he didn't have to get me a gift but it's really nice that he did. I look at the clock. My food should be up here any minu- before I finish my statement my food gets carted in. I eat quickly before I have to get dressed for the party. 

James arrives back and is fighting with me on wearing a pearl necklace. I really want to wear the one Amanda got me. He gives in because I tell him I'm the birthday girl. As I finish up dressing I can hear the music from the ballroom. My assistant told me not to come in until all the guests have arrived- so I can make a grand entrance. I agree but only because that's what my mother would want for me. 

I leave my room fully dressed, make up, hair, everything on point because of James. The music grows louder as I inch closer. I make my way to the stairs and the music stops. A voice comes over the speakers. 

"Everyone please stand for Princess Delilah" everyone's eyes turn to me and I give a full smile. I make my way down the stairs, making sure not to fall. When I reach the bottom everyone bows in unison and I curtsy. The music comes back on and I make my way to the royal table. I'm stopped by many people I know and don't know. Wishing me a happy birthday. When I get to where my mother is sitting, she beams at me. 

"isn't it beautiful dear?"

"Of course, I love it" I reply. 

"You look great. Happy birthday princess" a man coughs beside my mother. "Oh I'd love for you to meet Prince William" the man smiles. "Prince William, this is my daughter Princess Delilah" I curtsy and he bows. I can't believe my mother pulled this shit. William's pretty attractive nonetheless. But damn she really didn't waste anytime. 

"Nice to meet you princess" He says. 

"You too" I say coolly. My mother gives me a look, forcing me to smile at him. 

"Would you like to dance?"

"That'd be alright" I respond.

He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. As he takes my waist in this arm, I can't help but to think about when Harry and I were dancing in my bedroom. Although this William is a better dance, I don't get the same fiery feeling as I did with Harry. 

"Princess did you hear me?" William says, breaking me from my thoughts. 

"Oh sorry, what did you say?"

"I said you look beautiful tonight"

"Thank you Prince William"

"Call me Will, please" He smiles. 

"Well, Will you look great too" I reply. 

The song couldn't end faster but when it does, I excuse myself. I see the boys getting ready to go on stage. I try to find Amanda in the sea of people, but before I do another voice comes over the speakers. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome One Direction" the boys walk onto the stage waving and smiling. Harry spots me in the crowd once he gets to his mic stand. 

"Can we all give it up for the birthday girl" Harry says, pointing to me. The large spot light finds me and everyone claps and cheers. I look around shyly and wave. 

"And for our first song" Harry starts up again, but before he finishes. All the lights go out and all I can hear are screams. I hear people yelling and smell a weird smell, but before I can take in any of what is happening, I feel myself getting dizzy and my legs start to give out. I feel strong arms wrap around me before I hit the ground. I can't make out whose arms they are before I drift into sleep. 

A/N: Well, well, well. What's gonna happen next. okay bye

xxx courtney

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