Part 19:- Leaving? Really?

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 I'm really sorry I'm an idiot and extremely hard to deal with most of the time. And I mess up every conversation we have in a matter of seconds. But that does not mean that you should leave me!!

She closed her eyes tightly expecting the worst to come and thinking what she could do now but when nothing happened for next couple of minutes, she slowly opened her eyes to see the person holding her shoulders and for the first time she was relieved to see this face. Today, for sure the person was not keeping well. But whatever it was today, she was actually thankful to him.

Rudra, on the other hand had to keep his fist on his mouth to suppress his laughter. His face had almost turned red while he tried hard not to laugh at her expression. She was scared to death. He had never seen someone looking so stunning even when mortified. A sudden urge to protect her leapt inside him. It also made him curious to know why she was so scared but he did not ask her and decided to keep the moment as light as possible.

"What was that?" he asked still trying to hold his laugh.

"What WAS that? I should be asking you this. Why would you do something like that?" She was seething with anger now seeing him laughing at her.

"Something like what?" He raised an eyebrow at her clearly knowing what she was implying.

"You... You... You scared hell out of me." It was supposed to come out as angry tone but she sounded meekly to herself.

"I am sorry for that." He sounded genuine this time but again he added:

"But it looked like you wanted to say something else." Before, she could retort, he removed his hand which was almost burning with intense feeling of touching her again and again that he was trying to suppress so far. He restrained himself from holding her hand but guided her to move forward keeping her at his side, away from the crowd.

Shanaya had opened her mouth but then shut it again, silently thanking him. She won't say that out loud when she had almost shouted at him. Her ego won't allow her to do that.

They saw the rest of the flower design together while walking closer to each other, both of them trying hard not to touch each at all, for different reasons of course. Though crowd was not helping them much in maintaining the distance which they were looking for.

With great difficulty, they both came out to find only a few of the group members. Apparently, others were enjoying it too much whereas for Rudra and Shanaya, it had become suffocating, again for different reasons.

Once, everyone reached, they decided to take a walk around since the weather was perfect for the couples. Luckily this time, guys had almost forgotten the girls and were busy in their guy talks. For the first time, Shanaya took the risk to read Rudra. After today, her heart wanted to trust him that he won't hurt her in any way and that she was safe with him. But her brain argued and kept telling her not to trust anyone. At lease both her heart and brain agreed that he could be trusted better than her so called friend Natey who was getting frustrated since Mike too was among the guys leaving her for the girls. And here she was sharing all her indecent thoughts that Shanaya thought were not for her ears. So she took her chance to read Rudra. There was no doubt that he was dangerously handsome and his eyes and smile were enough to kill anyone from the opposite sex. She had also noticed from the starting that guys respected him a lot and listened to him. Everyone seemed to adore him. And from hostel she knew that girls would kill anyone just to be with him. He seemed to be happy and content with his friends but things were different when he was with her. She seemed to frustrate him always in some way, though today was different.

Her train of thought was halted abruptly when she heard his name among the girls. She did not realize that they had started talking about Rudra. And whatever she heard made her heart sink for unknown reasons. It was Lax who informed that he was leaving for higher studies in next couple of days. She remembered when Rudra said that he will leave in a couple of weeks but did not realize that it was already time. She did not know why it felt as if something was tearing apart. A part of her was also feeling bad that he had not informed her at all when he was with her for almost all the morning and even during flower show. But was not it herself who had said that she would be happy but then why was she everything but happy. She thought at least she had today to be nice to him and may be that could have been the reason that he was being nice too. The feeling again was hurting. Was she expecting something else for his changed behavior?


Well.... May be....

There were lots of things that were going through her mind. What if she could not see him again? What if he did not keep in touch with her or these people? She might have to forget him and the idea was too painful to bear. But was not she used to leaving people behind whenever she moved from a place?

Yes!! She was.. It did not matter how close she felt to a person but whenever she left a place, she never bothered to be in touch with anyone. 

Her mother used to say when she was just a kid:-

"It's just a matter of time that people forget you and move ahead."

The idea was unsettling at that time. She did not believe her. She never thought that the person who has become her best and closest friend could forget her at any cost. Especially when she can't. She had tested her mother's theory. She wrote letters to her friends since that was not the time of mobile phones. The result was heartbreaking for her. She never got any response. And from that time, she never turned back though she could never forget any of them but the intensity of the feelings decreased with time, never faded completely.

But this time was different. It was hardly a month that she knew him, she had hardly had a friendly interaction with him. He always made sure that she was not liked by him but still she was feeling this pain. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She could do it!!


It was just a person, just like any other. Before she could be at the receiving end of being forgotten again, she would forget him. Or at least try!! But for time being, she will play along. She would use the same reason for being nice to him. 



Do you think it is an end for them??

Or can there still be a chance? Keeping fingers crossed for both of them :)

Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting :)

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