Going away

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Cayla's P.O.V.


' Beep Beep Beep' "Ughh" I groaned. I had to wake up to another day of going back to the devil's layer or as you would call it school. My name is Cayla and I get bullied. My mom is a drug addict and my dad gets drunk every night and abuses me and that's pretty much my life. It is like scheduled. Wake up,

Get beaten by dad. Ignore mom. Walk to school and get called names. Go to class. Fail. Go to locker then get beaten again by my bully ,Zayn, then limp home get beaten. Ignore mom again. Sneak food. Do homework. Go to bed and repeat. My life is pretty boring but some times when dad's passed out and mom's out dealing I can go outside and enjoy the good parts about life like how pretty the flowers are, how the sun warms my cold feet, how the wind blows my slightly curly brown hair, and I just wish that I could do that more often but the thing is Zayn (my bully) lives right across the street from me. How wonderful,right? (note the sarcasm)

I was walking down the street to get to school and as I reached the gates I got death glares and some rude comment like " I bet she doesn't even get abused by her dad, all she wants is attention but all she's getting is nothing cuz she's a worthless piece of crap",as she said that I could feel the tear threating to fall down my face but I held on as I walked in to the school, I put my head down in hopes of not getting noticed but like usual, that did not work and it just ended up with me hitting the lockers. "Hey ugly,fat girl" Zayn said in to my ears I was too scared to look but I a feeling that there were people staring at me so I opened my eyes to not only find Zayn but four other guys. First one had curly brown hair and a cheeky smile with two adorable dimples. The second one had short brown hair with soft brown eyes. Third was a guy with blonde hair but clearly, he had dyed it because you could see the brown highlights and he had nice ocean blue eyes. Fourth and last one caught my eye the most he had gorgeous sea green eyes and with my liking suspenders.

"Okay guys this is the girl you will be beating up while I am out of town for who knows how long" Zayn said. Me? I had a terrifid look on my face and as soon as Zayn said that all of their faces went soft and I mean REALLY soft but I don't know why. I mean they were all friends with Zayn, why would they care about me?

"Could I at least know their names so I know who's beating the crap out of me?" I said softly.

If I have to"Zayn said sounding lazy."Okay so that's Harry" he said pointing to the curly haired one. "That's Liam" he said pointing to the one with the soft brown eyes. "That's Niall" he said pointing to the blond one."And that's Louis" he said pointing to the cute one. They all smiled and said hi to me I smiled weakly and waved back and Zayn said " Well I guess I am going to see you in the hospital when I get back. Bye, Darling" Zayn said. Once he said that i went pale and I was pretty sure that they all noticed and Louis asked me "Are you alright love? I blushed when he said love and at that moment I found my shoes pretty interesting and I said "Yeah I'm Fine"I finally looked up and they all looked like they didn't believe me. I finally came out and said "Okay I'm ready for my morning beatings" I said squinting but I didn't feel anything and I opened my eyes and saw them laughing " Why are you guys laughing?" I asked scared. "We're laughing because were not going to hurt you why would we hurt such a beautiful girl like you? " Louis said smiling cheekily and I started blushing and sudenly found my shoes interesting again.




She faced the floor for the second time and I could tell that she was blushing I thought that she looked cute like that. Wait, do I have feelings for her, already? That can't be or could it? I can tell all of the other boys like her too so I am going to have to win her before anyone eles does.


Hello my fellow peeps I hope you liked the first chapter please VOTE COMMENT SHARE and what ever else you can !!!! 😃😃

~ Emily

Bullied by my best friend ( Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now