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Cayla's P.O.V.

I woke up in a cold little room with spikes coming out of the walls i had a really bad headache I got up and looked for a way to get out of this place I found some stairs and I went up them and tried to open up the door but to my luck it was locked. I started to bang on it and I heard a click so I stepped back and the door flung open and five guys appeared at the door and locked me in to a bear hug.

"Who are you?" I asked they all looked at each other with hurt and worried expressions.

"We're your best friends remember?" They said but what can they mean by best friends?

"No I don't have any friends who are you!" I practically screamed in there faces and ran away to go to my room but I stopped when I noticed something everything in my house was gone

"Where did everything go?" I asked almost wanting to cry

"Oh at our place you are living with us." The blonde one said

"Why am I living with a complete stranger?" I asked

"Your not we are your best friends and we are getting you to a doctor because I think you have a concussion." said The one that I should call curly

"Hey can I call you curly?" I asked

"Uh yeah I guess." He said with a little hesitation

" we'll we should get going if its going to take a long time to get there." I said and they all started to laugh

"What's so funny?" I asked

"We'll we live across the street unless you are really lazy then it's not a long way." Said curly

We started to walk and we were halfway across the road when I decided that my legs hurt too much so I got on Curlys back.

"What are you doing?" He said

"My legs hurt." I said

"We'll I guess you are lazy." He said cheekily

"Touchie." I said

"Wow still same comebacks nice." He said

"I guess curly fri." I said coming up with better nicknames for him.

"What happened to just curly? he said
" Nothing harold" I said snickering.

We arrived at the house and it was nice.

"Go and lay down on the couch and I will go get you some pain killers" the guy with the nice brown eyes said.

" Okay and can I ask your names?" I asked

" Oh of course so I'm Liam." Said the one that went to get me pain killers.

"I'm loubear you might still remember me cuz we were best friends as kids." Said loubear

"But I moved when I was little I thought I would never see you again!" I yelled and jumping in to his arms. " I missed you so much Louis!" I yelled again when he put me down the room started to spin and I was loosing my balance

"Cayla are you okay?" Louis asked worried.

"Uh ya just a tad bit dizzy." I said lying and with that darkness over took me and all I could here were faint screams

" CAYLA, guy's, what happened? Quick someone call the ambulance and I'll go get her some ice for her head!" And with that I could not hear anything.

I awoke by a annoying beeping sound i opened my eyes and screamed

"Will someone shut that annoying beeping should off?!" And I heard laughing

"Where the heck am I?" I asked

"Your in the in between." Said Louis wait Louis?

"Then what are doing here Louis?" I asked

" Oh I was just messing with you your in a hospital." He said

"And why am I in a hospital?" I asked

"You kinda fainted and you should have woken up but when you fell you hit you head so you were out for about three days but I'm glad that your awake now!"

"Where's Niall,Louis, Zayn , and Harry?"

"Wait how do you know there names?"he asked

" we'll you guys are my friends so why would I not know your names?" I said

"You remember! I'm so glad your back!" He screamed

"What do you mean back?" I asked

" we'll when we found you you had a concussion we don't know how you got it but you didn't remember anyone but me because we knew each other when we were little so yeah." Louis said

" okay so where are the other guys?" I asked

" they went home to get rest but I just texted Harry letting him now that your awake and he said that there on there way now

" okay." I said and soon found myself to be drifting off to sleep.

Hello my fellow peeps I know that this is a short chapter but I have righters block so if you have any Ideas on what I should put next just comment bellow 😄

Bullied by my best friend ( Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now