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Zayn P.O.V.


I had been gone fofilling my dreams on the X-factor I was there for about one and half weeks and while I was there there was this girl that was being bullied and it was really hard to watch then I started thinking 'is this what it's like when I beat up Cayla. I went up to her and the guy and I tackled him to the ground and the girl looked relived I trough a few punches but I did not want to go over board so I got off him and called the police. and they had came and took him away. I went to the girl and asked her a few questions

"who was that?" I asked

" Oh it was my x-boyfriend." she said like it was no big deal I was shocked. then I started thinking what els could he of done to her I gulped before saying.

"Did he hurt you?" I said with tears in my eyes

"Uh yeah he said if I ever told anyone then I would be dead meat so." she said

"I'm sorry that,that had to happen to you." I said and at that moment I knew that I had to apologize to Cayla with everything that I did to her and why did I do it you ask? well when we were in middle school she used to be popular and I used to be a geek and she bullied me and one day after my beating she got in to a car crash and lost her memory then one of her friends transformed me from geeky zayn to sexy zayn. and I was quite impressed with my new look but when Cayla came back she was a whole different Cayla she was not the fun out going girl that I used to know she was a shy unpopular girl the one who always got bullied and her old friends just made me bully her and when they were gone me bullying her just cought on.

I walked into my house
"Ah home sweet home." I said

"good to be back huh mate?" Liam asked

"yeah and do you know where Cayla is I have to apologize to her I have been a jerk to her for all of these years" I said

"oh ya about that well she is living here with us because her dad beat her and was taken away and I don't know about her mom but yeah she's on her way here now." he said. I was taken aback now I feel worse for what happened.

Cayla's P.O.V.
there he was the guy who made my life worse then it already was. He kept staring at me like he was looking in to my soul and I shocked myself by saying

" I guess I can't stay here anymore sorry if I bugged you." I said getting ready to leave but to my surprise he grabbed my wrist.

"Listen I'm sorry for everything that happened and I know that you probably wont accept my apology but just hear me out please!" he said I had to wait a moment to think about it then I nodded my head yes.

" Okay but it has to bee somewhere private." I said not wanting the other boys to hear what we both had to say.

We walked in to Zayn's room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Why did you do it?" I asked

" we'll you don't remember anything before you once woke up which was the day Before you came to school right?" He asked and that was true so I nodded my head yes. "Okay we'll you used to bully me and one day after my beating you got into a car crash and you lost your memory and everyone treated you like crap and one of your old best friends turned me from geeky Zayn to sexy Zayn and she made me bully you and when she left it just stuck and so that's why." I was taken aback did I really bully him and why didn't my so called 'parents' tell me was I really adopted? All these questions were running through my head that I did not even notice that there was a hand in front of my face. I jumped back and screamed and Louis came bursting through the door

" Are you okay what's wrong!" Louis screamed

" nothing is wrong I zoned out and Zayn put his hand in front of my face and I got scared." I said

"Okay." Was all he said. And he walked away

" Okay so back to our conversation, I am really sorry for treating you like I did I don't know what I was doing at that point, is there a way I can repay you?" I Asked and as soon as I said that he started to lean in and he said

"This." I did not know what to do and as soon as his lips crashed on mine. The door opened and Louis stepped in.

" Hey dinners rea-." He stopped his own sentence and hurt washed through his eyes. I jumped back and washed my mouth off with my hands.

" How could you I hate you with all my heart!" I said with anger washing over my body I got up crying all the way to my bedroom and went to sleep.


Hey my fellow peeps sorry if it's a crapy short chapter I am in math class right now so I don't have much time so I'll update soon :)

Bullied by my best friend ( Zayn Malik)Where stories live. Discover now