Finally found you

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Cayla's P.O.V.


It was around 3:30 in the morning and I heard footsteps in frount of my bedroom I started geting scared and I turned over shuting my eyes as tight as I could shut them and kept reapeting to myself in my head 'There is no one out there There is no one out there' but then my bedroom door opened and my heart race picked up I thought that my heart would explode and paint the whole bedroom red. The foot steps came closer and closer to me. " Cayla Are You Awake" the all too falmir voice said "AHHHHHHHHHHh!!!!!!!" I screamed and then the person screamed as well and it was a really falmir scream so I decided to look to see who it was and guess who it was Louis "What are you doing up at 3:30 in the morning?" I said still kinda mad at him for almost giving me a heart attack. "Oh umm I was really board and I just wanted to talk to somebody" Louis said "Okay so what do you want to talk about?" I said " Oh uhh hey how about we both say twenty things about ourselfs." Louis said "Okay" I said

"Okay so twenty things about me are

1/ I have brown hair

2/ I have blue eyes

3/ I love to dress nerdy

4/ I am single

5/ I love to sing

6/ you guys are my only friends

7/ I love creating my own songs

8/ my favorite color is red

9/ favorite food are corrots

10/ I love stripes

11/ call people bear in them name

12/ I'm a child at heart

13/ I love TOMS

14/ I am ariganaly from doncaster

15/ moved when I was 8

16/ shout random things

17/ do random things

18/ I like GreenDay

19/ Used to have a bestfriend Louis

20/ and I had a major crush on him

"Your Turn" I said

"Everythings the same and I also lived in Doncaster and had a best friend named Cayla who I had a crush on as well and moved away when I was 8"

Louis said "Wait does this mean?" I pause for a moment"" LOUBEAR!!!!!" I screamed "CAYLAWALA!!!!!" Louis screamed" I can't believe that its you" I screamed then someone broke the door down and Harry stood there with peanutbutter in his hand with a scared look on his face and I started to laugh so hard I was rolling on the ground having a six pack coming on "What are you laughing about" Louis said "HAHAHA Harry HAHAHA used HAHAHA a HAHAHA tube HAHAHA of HAHAHA peanutbutter HAHAHA for HAHAHA defence HAHAHA" I said laughing and soon Louis joins laughing with me and Harry just stands there with a pout on his face witch makes me laugh harder I don't know how the other boys are sleeping through this and as if right on Que two sleepy boys are standing in my bedroom with confused looks on there faces as to why I was rolling on the floor with laughter "why are you laughing at 4:00 in the morning?" Liam asks I was laughing too hard to talk so I pointed to Louis to tell them because he had stoped laughing.

       Louis's P.O.V.


         I can't belive that it's her my Cayla I knew that I knew her from somewhere but at first I just could not put my finger on it but the best part out of all of this is that she amitted that she had a huge crush on me and I said the same thing about her so does that mean that she might still have the same crush on me I don't know but my plan was working fine till all of the boys came in now I have to come up with a new plan and I need to do it fast.


                                           Hey my fellow peeps sorry if its short im tired well I hope you guys liked this chapter remeber Vote Comment and Share and follow me on instagram at emilyouellette454 thanks 


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