little white room

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Cayla's P.O.V.                                                                                                                                                 _______________________

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a white room.

" Hello?" I yelled there was no answer. so I yelled again. " Hello?!" 

" stop yelling you are giving me a headace." said a voice. I spun around. to see a beautiful young girl.

" Who are you?" I asked. she smiled and said.

" I'm you." 

" What?" I asked

" I'm you when you were eight." she said and I was more confused then ever.

" But how?" I asked.

" Well your in the inbetween, it's where you decide if you want to live or die. I will guide you through why you should live or die but it is up to you, and to answer your question, anything can happen." she said.

" Alright, show me whatever you have to show." I said and she led me to a window that said " AFTER-LIFE" I looked through it and saw me smiling, and dancing around. " Why am I so happy?" I asked.

" Because you don't have to worry about your dad coming for you." she said and right there I knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to die.

" I want to die." I said.

" Wow hold on you have to see something before you decide." she said, and she led me to a window that said " LIFE" I looked through it and saw my boys in what seemed to be a hospital room crying, then it hit me, I was there lying lifeless, I didn't want to leave them I want my boys, they need me just as much as I need them. Even though not having to worry about my dad seems great but, I love these boys, and I would like to stay with them.

" Little cayla, I would like to live." I told her and she turned towards me and smiled.

" I thought so." she said, and she started to fade away. I smiled and turned to look at my boys.

" gosh I love them." I said to myself. and the image started to fade and so did my vision.

" Guys she just moved!" An all to familiar voice of Louis' Tomlinson said.

" Louis' your just seeing things the doctor said there is no way that she will wake up." Liam said in a cold voice. Gosh thanks Liam for your support.

" Your right I need some sleep lets go guys." Louis' said. He bent down and kissed my forhead. " I love you." He got up nand started to walk out the door. I turned to look at him and I had the courge to talk.

" Louis'?" his head snapped towards me tears in his eyes. He ran to me and brought me in to a hug. 

" Oh my gosh I thought I was going to loose you." He said slightly shaking.

" Louis' come on your taking to lon-." Niall came in, his eyes as wide as a pineapple. " CAYLA!" He screamed and ran in to our hug. then Harry and Liam came in in shock, and also joined our group hug. 

" I love you guys." I said.

" We love you too Cayla." they said.


You guys have no clue how much I love this chapter!!!!! I hope you guys liked it too.

but this chapter is for my very good friend or something like that but her name is Hanna, and Hanna I know you are reading this you have been bugging me to update every day!!!!!!! so here it is hope your happy, " BECAUSE I'M HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" YUM PINEAPPLE OKAY THIS IS RANDOM I'M FLYING HIGH IN THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND REMEMBER DON'T DROP THAT THUN THUN THUN THUN M-KAY BYE MY PEOPLES OF THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                                                     ~ ELMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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