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Zayn P.O.V.


All I could hear was the eco of my hand slaping my one true loves face.

"Ah!" was the one thing that she said as she fell back with tears in her eyes. I went to go help her but Liam held me back.

" Let me go she needs my help!" I yelled.

" Mate I think you have helped her enough." Liam said. I looked over and saw Cayla on the ground crying in Louis's arms. He got up and came over to me.

" Who do you think you are for slapping my girlfriend, Let me tell you if you lay you're Nasty fingers on her you will wish that you were never, ever, Born!" Lou screamed in my face. That's the first time he was so mad that his face was really red. I think I messed up, Big time.

I was walking through the hall way just wanting to get away from everything. I went to the foot of my bed, and grabbed my song book and started to write a new song. I started to write what I was feeling, how the people around me were feeling, and I came up with this.

( this is One Directions song I Wish all rights go to them!)

na na na na na, na na na na na,

He takes your hand I die a little, I watch your eyes and I'm in riddles, why can't you look at me like that.

Na na na na na, when you walk by I try to say it, but then I freeze and never do it, my tonge gets tied the words get trapped.

I hear the beat of my heart when ever I'm near you.

But I see you with him slow dancing, tearing me apart cause you don,t see whenever you kiss him I'm breaking

Oh how I wish that was me

Na na na na na, Na na na na na.

he looks at you the way that I would does all the things I know that I could if only time could just turn back

cause I've got three little words that I've always been dying to tell you.

but I see you slow dancing tearing me apart cause you don't see whenever you kiss him I'm breaking

oh how I wish that was me with my hands on your waist as we dance in the moon light I wish it was me that you call later on cause you wanna say goodnight

cause I see you with him slow dancing tearing me apart cause you don't see.

but I see you with him slow dancing tearing me apart. cause you don't see whenever you kiss him I'm breaking.

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish that was me

Oh how I wish that was me.

I finished and heard clapping. I shot my head up to see it was Liam.

" That is a genuis song." he said.

" Thanks." I said

" What happend out there, why did you attack Louis then slap Cayla?" Liam asked.

" Well I like Cayla A LOT and when I found out I guess I kinda just snapped. Then when I was fighting Louis I thouht it was you or Harry trying to get me off of him so I just flung my hands and I guess I slapped Cayla. But I feel really guilty about it." I said

" Okay but I think you should go say sorry to Cayla and Louis." Liam said.

" You're right I'll be back." I said and walked out of the room to Louis's room.

Cayla's P.O.V.


I was sat on Louis's bed with a ice pack to my face, watching a movie, and snuggling with Louis. we were right at the part where Rose was leting go of Jack when Zayn bargerd in. Louis stood up protectively, but Zayn said.

" Listen I'm sorry for attacking you Louis. I guess I was just really jealous of your relationship. I'm sorry"

" why are you apolagizing to me you slapped Cayla say sorry to her." Louis snapped.

" I was getting to that. Cayla I'm sorry for slapping you. It was a mistake, please forgive me?" Zayn said. I started to think should I forgive him? or ignore him? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand in my face.

" I'm sorry what?" I asked.

" Do you forgive me?" Zayn asked

" Yes I forgive you, but, I can't trust you. I'm sorry I have to go." I said and left the room.

          Zayn's P.O.V.                                                                                                                                                   ___________________________________________________

She forgives me but she doesn't trust me. that's what I said to her when I bullied her.


" Zayn if we don't make it home tonight then blame that friend of yours Cayla's parents and never fall in love with her because she will just the same as her parents." my mom said. But why do they hate them so much? that night my mom and dad died. I was angry, sad, but most of all hurt. from that day on I would hurt Cayla, I wanted to take away what she took away from me.

                                                               (FLASHBACK OVER)

That brought anger to me I never did what my mom wanted me to do, hurt Cayla. Time to finish what was started.


ello readers thank you so much for reading this book so far we are almost at 1000 reads!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 /// by the way I'm sorry for not updating for so long just I was really lazy. but my bestfriend got concert tickets to ONE DIRECTION THE BEST BAND ON THE PLANET anwd now I'm sad but thanks for reading love Ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!1

                                                                                                                     ~ Elmo

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