Chapter 3 - Zombie Inside

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Warning: Cuss

Chapter 3 - Zombie Inside

Steph's POV

I was in a deep lovely sleep when I heard noises downstairs. I opened my eyes and listened carefully as the noise grew louder and closer from us. The sound was familiar like I've heard it before for sure. My classmates woke up one by one as they heard the noises too. I told them to keep silent and we slowly stood up. I couldn't find Jeanny beside me and Cyrel said Mika was not here either. Where did they go?

There was moaning and vomiting sound which disgusted us. We gathered around and backed up on the wall. A decomposing head showed up on the stairs. It took several steps until we can see him clearly.



"We're going to die!"

"Oh my god! Help!"

They were screaming loudly but the zombie kept walking closer and closer. I looked at my side and saw Chenley broke the metal table and took the leg of it. He looked at me and I nodded. He plunged the zombie's face and heart repeatedly with the metal leg until it didn't move. Mika and Jeanny rushed to get down the stairs and was surprised to see the zombie laying on the floor.

"Is everybody alright?" Jeanny asked.

"Yeah. Thanks to Chenley." I said and he just nodded, trying to catch his breath.

"We are not safe here." Ryzza said.

"We are not safe anywhere. People are turning to zombies except us, thanks to God." Mika said, pissed.

"We don't know that. What about our parents? Huh? Did they turned too? Are they dead? How can you be so sure?! Why do you always act like you're always right?" Jehasmin yelled at Mika. Both of them have good points but for now, we have no idea which one is true.

"Then where are they? If they're alive then someone must've stayed here. And you asked why I act like that? Because I'm not like you! I don't plant a false hope in my brain that by the end of the day, all of us are going to survive because I know were not! And all of you can't see that! The apocalypse is fucking happening! What do you expect?!"

There was a silence in the whole room. Based on what Mika said, she has a really really good point but is it bad to hope that we will survive? That we can find a place where it is a zombie-free. I elbowed Rhean to break the silence and she did.

"Let's not fight guys. All we have is each other. Both of you have points but we need to survive. Okay? We have to." She said with a soft voice that leaves everybody calm and less stressed.

"Jeanny and Jane? What's the plan now?" I asked.

"First, we have to gather our basic needs. Each and all of us must have a hikers backpack with foods, water, clothes, medicines and extra bags enough to last until we can find another place to get some supplies again," Jane said.

"Then, we get our weapons in the police station or wherever we can find a weapon to use. James? Gather the chemicals you need for explosions so that we could protect ourselves since we still have no weapons on hand." Jeanny continued.

"Okay, then lets go!" Mika yelled. All of us sprung and grabbed bags from various stores. We also went to clothing section to pick out comfortable clothes to wear. Most of us picked the military designed clothes. We also went to get other feminine needs we can bring. We didn't bother about stupid makeups because damn, apocalypse is happening we don't have time to apply freaking makeups. The boys were the first one on the grocery area and we've discussed that since water was heavy, we'll bring the foods and they will bring the water. We asked James and his teams to bring all of the medicines and kits we'll need in our journey and they hurried to the Pharmacy. After we gathered all of the things we need, we met at the bottom floor.

"All done?" Jeanny asked.

"Yes. Done." Ellah answered.

"Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. We have to stay close and be alert. We go out of this mall and if zombies will appear James have explosions to kill them. We will head to the police station because I'm sure they have secret storage of weapons there. And we'll discuss the rest after we have the weapons on our hands. Okay?"

"Okay!" We yelled.

We stayed close as planned and alert. Cary opened the door and we went out. The city was quiet. No weird noises or anything. Chenley spotted a military truck and went over. He waved at us to come so we did.

"It has gas but not full. We can use this to get to the station." He said.

"You know how to drive?" Jane asked. I crossed my fingers that he will say yes because the station will be a long walk for us to take.

"Yeah, of course." As Chenley said those words, all of us cheered and hop on immediately in the truck. Jeanny and Jane was in the front and all of us are on the back.

For maybe half an hour, we reached the station. My body hairs started to stand up and my spine felt like it was electricuted. We still stayed close and looked around carefully because there might be a zombie that will pop out of nowhere.

We reached inside the station and there was still no sign of humans or zombies inside. Jeanny reached for the keys that was on the sheriff's cabinet. Jeanny searched for doors that was locked and tried to open it. Five, eight, eleven and fifteen keys, at last, the door unlocked. She twisted the knob and opened it. We all dropped our mouth to see how many guns were there. I didn't care much because I was assigned in swords and not guns but damn, they have a lot of guns inside there. There were also granades, big and small guns.

"Oops, no sniper rifles." Mika whispered to me. Right, she was assigned to be a sniper. Where can we get our weapons now?

"Now, we have our weapons, what should we do next? What about the zombies?" Rose asked.

"We'll kill them. We have to find who did this. I can tell that this is a trial like in the movies. I saw the ball with spikes. It was well constructed. It is impossible if this is just a virus some kind. This virus was purposely made." Jeanny said. By listening to her, I can tell she was really sure and determined. I wanted to know too who did this and why did we survive if he purposely made this virus to kill the whole mankind.

"How are we going to find him or her?"

"There's only one laboratory with a bunch of psycho doctors here."

"Marks Corp."

A/N: Yey! Another chapter! I always write my updates on midnight haha. I just can't sleep that's why XD. I know there's a lot of characters were involved here so I will not rush this story. A lot of character will come in the next few chapter so I hope you will like them too ;) Vote and comment your thoughts about this new update!

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