Chapter 10 - Loss

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Warning: Cuss

Chapter 10 - Loss

Michelle's POV

Another big explosion woke us up from our deep sleep. Marikit hastily rose from her bed and ran to the balcony. She turned around to face us, with a mixture of horror and dread in her face, I got goosebumps. I know what is this. I know what's happening.

"Zombies. Pack up now!" Marikit screamed.

The fire was now visible from our location. Even though we were busy packing up and getting our weapons, fear was visible from our faces. Fear that we might lose someone or we will be the food of these hungry flesh eating monsters. I know I had to shrug it all off but I just can't.

"Oh God, they're so many of them! All of our traps exploded already. We have to go, NOW!" Christine said.

We carried bags and we followed her and Marikit for the exit. Before we can go down, four zombies were on the stairs already. Ellah took out her glock and started shooting at them. They fell on the ground and we ran fastly to the back of the mall.

Another group of decomposing bastards were walking towards us. I brought out my daggers and threw it directly to the zombie's heads. Junella sliced a fireman zombie, separating his head from his body. The dark blood spilled as he fell on the floor. Monnah fired her rifle and shot them directly on head.

At last, we knocked the front group down but there were still hundreds of zombies on our back chasing us. We ran faster towards the exit, I was looking at them when my foot got peirced on a metal.

"AH!!" I screamed. Rhean who was in front of me, turned around and went back for me. The others continued to run to the gate and some stopped running and looked at me.

"What happened?" Rhean asked. I could see the uneasiness in her eyes while looking at me.

"My foot." I wail. It hurts so much that I couldn't even explain how much it hurts. I don't even know what am I thinking right now.

The zombie's groaning and vomiting sound were getting louder and louder. Rhean was trying to get the metal out of my foot but I can't. It hurts too much.

"You have to endure the pain, Michelle. Hold my hand." Rhean said. She pulled my foot out of the metal and I could feel my flesh moving upward. I panted from the pain and bit my jacket.

"It's almost out, come on, you can do it." Rhean said.

I looked at the back and the zombies were there. Rhean looked at them and murmuring, "Oh God, oh God."

"Just leave me here. Go and save yourself." I said. I can't afford to let my friend die because of me.

"No, I won't. We can do this."

"I can't do it anymore, Rhean."

"Yes, you can."

"Maybe this is my time."

"No, it's not. We will survive this together, okay? All of us."


Rhean tried again to pull my foot from the metal. My heart beat faster than I've imagine.

"Guys! Prepare your ears!" Chenley yelled.

Chenley's team kneeled down and Mika's team were standing up raising their weapons ready to fire.

"You can do this, Michelle." Rhean said, smiling.

They fired their guns and zombies fell down one by one. Rhean was still pulling the metal out of my foot. My tears were running down my face as I yelled because of the pain. They kept firing their guns and killing zombies behind us, keeping them away so that we can get my foot out.

"I'm out." Monnah yelled.

"Me too."

"Shit." Chenley said.

"God, no."

Mika's team were the only ones kept firing. Chenley's team ran out of bullets and there were still hundreds of zombies behind our back.

"Damn it! I'm out!" Mika yelled.

"Mine too." Rose said.

"Hell, me too." Ryzza added.

"Us too."

Rhean looked at me and smiled then pulled my foot immediately. I yelled on top of my lungs.

"It's out! Come on!" Rhean yelled.

I tried to run as fast as I can but I can barely step my injured foot. I'm slowing Rhean down, and our team don't have any bullets left.

"Go without me!" I said, pushing her away from me.

"What are you talking about? Just run! We can do this." She said.

Chenley ran towards us with Onemig. Chenley carried me while holding Rhean's hand and ran towards the group. I noticed Onemig was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Onemig?!" I yelled but Chenley didn't answer.

All of them were inside the car now and we were almost there. Jane opened the door for us so that we can enter directly. Jhon was the one in the driver's seat and after we got inside, he immediately drove the car away from the mall.

Everyone was silent while treating me inside the car. I looked around to look for Onemig but he wasn't there. Everybody stopped what they were doing and took one last look at the mall so I did too. In seconds, the mall exploded. It was so big that our car was pushed.

Thank God it didn't set the car on fire. Everybody stayed silent. My foot stings so bad but it was better because Nicka treated my wound.

"Who planted the bombs?" I asked but nobody answered.

"Guys? What's wrong?" I asked again, but nobody even flinched.

I tried to figure it out myself. I kept on thinking maybe it was one of James and Marikit's traps. Or...

"Where's Onemig?" I asked.

No. Impossible. No.

" was Onemig isn't it? The bag he was the bomb?"

Chenley raised his head and looked at me. He nodded his head.

A/N: Short update but I hope you like this one.

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