Chapter 8 - The Feelings

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Chapter 8 - The Feelings

Chenley's POV

The sunshine striked my face while I'm in a deep slumber. Ughh my eyes still wanted to sleep. I slightly opened my eyes to check what time is it when suddenly Ellah and Mika suppressed our doziness by striking the empty pan and can as a wake-up sound.

"Wake up sleepy heads! Breakfast is ready!" Ellah shouted to wake us up.

"Get your ass up! We still have lot to do!" Mika added.

Most of us now started to got up, except Dave who was still enjoying his sleep.

"Dave wake up!" Joshua patted Dave.

"Ugh noisemaker! I really hate human alarm clock!" Dave murmured and now starting to get up.

We're now here in the dining area to take our breakfast. The atmosphere was usual, silence covered the place, only the ingesting of food made a little sound.

Until I've noticed that Jane, Michelle, and Kim were like teasing Rhean, they're smiling like there's something about her. I just look intently to them because I'm curious when Jane catches my sight! And her eyebrows now started to linked! Oops did I obviously acted like an eavesdropper?

I got confused then with her look and I suddenly dropped my spoon. Everyone was now looking at me with a puzzled face. So I responded with an expression saying like, there's nothing wrong about it. I don't know why were so mute then. I leaned down to get my spoon under the table and there I found it near Dave's feet. I reached it so I wind the table topper to see it clearly and abruptly my eyes widened when I saw Dave's hand holding Rhean's hand! I smirked because I caught their forbidden love act. Ninja moves! Hahahaha!

I quickly went back in my sitting position and still can't hide what I've seen earlier. Now I know why they teased Rhean.

"What's with the evil grin Chenley?" Jane interrupted.

She always got my attention! Fine I will now revealed.

"I just saw something, somewhat a romantic scene under the table." I replied in a whisper way to the other except Rhean and Dave and pouting to point out them secretly and I noticed that Dave and Rhean got their own world and don't even care on what I've said.

And now again most of them look at me confusedly! Can you just found it out? So there they go, they look under the table and boom!

"Got ya love birds! What's with the holding hands beneath the table? Huh?" Ellah smiling widely pointing to Dave and Rhean.

Rhean was speechless and shocked. She can't hide her cheeks blushing like a tomato. Got that half-unconscious external responses to her internal feelings. She distantly move sitting beside Dave but then Dave wrapped Rhean with his shoulder.

"Guys I know you were all confused about us, so let me officially say it to all of you that me and Rhean were now in a relationship! I just confessed my feelings to her and court her last night at the rooftop." Dave definitely answered.

Everyone got their reactions. Mixed of bitterness and sweetness emotions.

"That's why you wake up so early huh!" I said sarcastically.

"Congrats guys! Awee how sweet!" Ryzza said.

"Can you share what are the happenings at the rooftop last night?" Maribelle curiously said.

So then Rhean narrated it, and ends up with a smile of in love.

"Guys I believe that there's no FOREVER!" Ryan boldly said.

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