Chapter 19 - Argument

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Warning: Cuss

Chapter 19 - Argument

Jane's POV

I noticed Jeanny walking amongst the dead soldiers talking to herself. The rest of us huddled around our friend's dead body feeling like we didn't win at all.

"We have to find them guys. We have to know what the fuck is going on."

"But Jeanny-" Maribelle said, "Dianne is dead, and so is the others."

"So? If we don't keep moving then all of us will end up like them." Jeanny replied as she grabbed her gun and tied her shoelaces.

Everyone just looked at her in disbelief. What on earth is wrong with her? Looking around, it's clear now that we've lost and there's nothing we can do about it.

"Are you crazy? Can't you see what they've done? Too many of us are dead, Jeanny." I said. Several others nodded.

"Let's just find a place to stay for the night and talk about it tomorrow," said Chenley.

"Can't you see? Those scientists are the reason why we're here and we need to find them and make them fix this mess." She stood up and looked defiantly at our surroundings.

Blood and broken glass glistened on the floor. I remembered the chaos and madness that we all went through the past few weeks and I feel like I do want to find them and make them pay for what they did. But then I look again and I can't help but feel so tired. Cary is bloody. Rose and Kyl are horribly bruised. Ellah looks so tired. And I can see the fatigue on Mika's face. Enough. We've all had enough of all this.

Jeanny must have noticed our apprehension and said, "Don't be fucking cowards!"

"Jeanny, we're just fifteen and sixteen year-olds. They have soldiers, maybe a tank or whatever they have that we don't. We, can't stop this." I said.

"We don't want to die but your plan is too risky. You don't even know where are they now. This is just too much. I can't loose Rhean and all of you," said Dave holding Rhean's hand.

"Then? What're we gonna do? Live here and forget the reason why they sacrificed their lives? Have you forgotten what they said? We have to survive." Jeanny said, raising her voice as she speaks.

"That's right, we have to survive. Then if we'll go wherever they are, bullets will say hello to us in no time." Ryan stepped in.

"If we stay here, more soldiers and zombies will come. If we go with Jeanny, they'll shoot us before we could raise our weapons. We'll both die either way so...Jeanny, count me in. Atleast I have something to die for." Mika stepped in, slowly walked towards Jeanny and stood behind her.

"Me too." Rhean said.

Dave grabbed her arm and said,"Are you crazy?!"

"We have to fight for our lives, Dave."

Dave went silent and looked down. Everybody breathed heavily and stood confused. I don't even know where to put my vote on, so I glanced at my boyfriend, Chenley. He was already staring at me. He gave a sweet smile that I felt security and warm chills inside me.

He reached for my hand without taking off his smile and without hesitation, I held it and took a step forward. It is a big risk to take, but who knows what will happen? As long as have him, I'm good.

"Really?! Jane and Chenley?! GUYS! What're you thinking?!" Ryan angrily yelled.

"I'm sorry." That's the only thing I can say. I don't want to answer something because I even doubt if I'm in my right mind. But again, I don't care anymore.

Dave raised his head and took a step forward with Rhean. When Ryan, Kyl, Ryzza and Cyrel saw him went to Jeanny's side they shook their heads. Few minutes later, each of them step forward to join us except for Ryan, Ryzza, Ellah, Ellizza, Bernafe, Khent, Marikit, Christine, Krish, Kim, Mikaela, Monnah, Nesty, and Maribelle.

"Are you really sure you don't want to come?" Jeanny asked them.

"I don't know. We don't know." Ellah said.

"We're still a family okay? You're always welcome to come back."


"Goodbye guys," Jeanny said and the rest of our group yelled,"GOODBYE!"

"BYE!" They replied.

We entered the car without looking back at them. We just don't want them to see our tears running down our faces. We couldn't bear the pain of being separated after all of the days we've been together and for all of the memories we've created. My heart sunk in a million feet of sadness wrapped in a cage full of spikes that stabs my heart everytime I breathe.

Chenley started the engine and drove off, leaving them standing behind us still waving and wiping their tears away. How are we going to do this? Are we going to get through this? So much questions and imagination about what will happen to us are popping on my mind.

"Stop crying. You have to be strong." Jeanny commanded.

Then a huge explosion behind us almost threw our car upside down.

A/N: What?! 4k reads? My heart wants to burst right now. Omg! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much!

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