Chapter 11 - Mourn

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Chapter 11 - Mourn

Arianne's POV

"It wasn't your fault you know." I said.

Michelle got stunned and turned around.

"Oh." She said and smiled.

"Don't smile if you don't mean it." I sat beside her in the wooden stairs while the others were in the living room.

After the explosion, we stopped here in a wooden house owned by an old couple. Maybe both of them were probably zombies now. Their house was so cozy and maybe this house for me was the best temporary home we stayed in. It was a bit dusty but whatever, that doesn't matter anyway. Ana and I cooked our breakfast for today: scrambled eggs and sausages. The table was so silent and the only noise we heard was from our plates and utensils.

Even if Onemig and I were not close, he was still my friend and we were a family. It was so sad that we won't see his smile anymore, we can't tease him anymore for being skinny, we can't see him anymore. But one thing is for sure, he died a hero. He saved all of us from being eaten by the zombies who were chasing us. He will never be forgotten. But now, I need to comfort Michelle.

"Did anyone tell you what really happened?" I asked Michelle. She looked at me with her teary eyes and shook her head.

"You want to know? Or no?"


"Maybe you should," I said, "The zombies were only five meters away from you when the team lost all of their bullets. I asked James if there were explosions left but he said no because it was already used for the traps that Christine and Marikit planted. But Onemig came to us and told us about the bomb he made. The only problem was it'll explode too big. James and I were hesitant to tell Chenley about it but Onemig did it himself. Chenley fought with him but he was so determined to it. We pleaded him to keep it and let Steph's group fight with the zombies until Rhean can get your foot out but he said no."

"So he went with Chenley and set the bomb?"

I nodded.

"Why can't he just set it and threw it to the zombies and ran with us?"

"Because the bomb he made was a suicide bomb."


"He needs to press the button for 90 seconds and the bomb will explode. If not, the bomb will not work."

"Why would he do that? You should've left me there."

"Because he likes you. He liked you since we were in Grade 8 and he understands that you can't give him the love that he wanted you to give. He wanted me to tell you that, since he's not going to be here anymore to save you, he wanted you to survive and find the hero inside you."

"I didn't," Michelle's tears were starting to fall in her face, "I didn't know he liked me. But now, I will make sure he didn't died in vain."

"That's good. So now, quit telling yourself that Onemig's death was your fault, he made a decision and that was to save you."

"Thank you, Arianne."

"No problem, Michelle."

I patted her shoulder and went to the living room where everybody looked down, not saying a word. Maybe I need to stop being like this. Acting like everything is okay because I know inside me that it's not okay.

The house was dim and the only light we have was from the moon. I sat down beside Krish in the floor, leaning back to the couch and held her hand. She rested her head on my right shoulder.

"We can't even give him a proper funeral." Krish said.

"We can't even bury him." Michelle said, walking towards us and sat beside Rhean.

"We won't see that smile anymore."

We all started sobbing as it kept going. There were no exception. We all cried. Not because the boys were gay, or softy, but because we were hurt. We lost a classmate, a friend and a family.

As we mourn for Onemig, we knew that somebody will welcome him in the sky. They will rejoice because he was finally there. And we will be here, trying to survive and to heal.

"Take a rest. We'll take the first watch. Kyl, Ryzza, and Rhean you're the next." Chenley said, standing up with Mika and Steph. They carried their weapons and went on the top room.

I laid down beside Krish. I did all of the positions I could think of to find what position I will be able to fall asleep but I still can't. All I did was laid back and stared in the ceiling. Windows were slightly banging because of the wind. The moon's light was getting brighter. I don't know what's the reason why I just enhanced my senses when I can't sleep.

An hour maybe, Steph, Mika and Chenley went down silently and woke up Kyl, Ryzza and Rhean to take the second watch. The last thing I saw was Rhean's foot stepping on the stairs and carrying her maroon bag upstairs before my eyes finally closed.

A/N: "Bless are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

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