Warning: Cuss
Chapter 14 - Begin
Mika's POV
We were outside the house right now, being spotted by zombies and starting to walk towards us. We were ready, ready to use our weapons against them. There were flowers around this house so it'll be a bloody funeral for them. They walked towards us and we started to attack them. I fired my guns with my team and Chenley's team.
"Die motherfuckers!" I yelled.
"Stinky assholes lurking outside to eat us must be killed!" Cyrel added.
"Take this!" Steph said, swinging her sword to slice the policeman in half who's spitting almost black blood.
The zombies lurking outside the house wasn't that much so finished earlier than we thought we would. After we killed all of them, we hopped on to the car to take a ride to Marks Corp for the last time.
"So, you guys ready?" Chenley asked us while driving.
At first, no one answered him. I think it's an understandable that no one is ready for all of this happening to us, to city right now. Rose broke the silence by saying, "About killing zombies or killing Marks Corp's scientists?"
"Both." He said.
"It's a fifty-fifty feeling."
"That's fine. Sit tight for two hours and we'll arrive there."
As I watched the city's surroundings, it was almost bombed. I don't know how it happened or what happened but it was strange. The buildings were destroyed, the store's ceilings had huge holes, and glasses were shattered. If those assholes only released some chemicals or viruses, why does this happened to the city? It's not like zombies would bomb the place right? The virus makes them to be idiots so, it's almost impossible that they would bomb the city. I shruged it all off and sat back properly.
"Done daydreaming?" Rhean said.
"I actually didn't. By the way, how many days passed since the day we were at school?" I replied.
Rhean thought about it pouting her lips and looking up. Steph was counting the days by pointing the air like she was visioning a calendar. And there was me, waiting for them to answer.
"I think it was 9?" Rhean said.
"No, it was 10." Steph said.
"We've been alive for 25 days." Jeanny said.
The two didn't bother to argue instead they just shut their mouths. Even though Jeanny doesn't tell us that she's stressing out about what's happening to us, we knew. We heard her talk when she sleeps, when she screams at night, and slightly panic when she sees a zombie. I know it's been hard for us, but it's more hard for her. We look up to her to lead us, and she doesn't have a choice but to be strong even she wanted to break down. She gave us a brave face every single morning, but deep down inside she was crying.
"14 days of unconsiousness and 11 days of killings and deaths." Jeanny murmured.
We stayed silent and didn't moved an inch. The car's atmosphere was filled with mixed emotions that we couldn't figure out. Chenley slided the window that separating us and said, "We're out of gas, guys."
Then in a matter of seconds, the car stopped.
"Where's the fuel we brought?" Jane asked his boyfriend, Chenley.
"This was it."
"Then let's walk. What choice do we have?"
We gathered our weapons and bags and started coming out from the car. The city was awful. It smells, it was cold, foggy, and dead. But it was creepy and confusing, there were no zombies around. No blood, no dead people around, and no noise.
"Wow, no zombies?" Kyl said.
"Yeah, I noticed too." I replied.
"This ain't right. Gather around guys." Chenley ordered. We eventually followed and circled around.
"There's something going on in here. No zombies? I don't think so." He said.
"So? What's the plan?" I asked.
"Your group, stay here. There's a lot of tall buildings that you can camp, cover us. Steph's and my group, we advance. Also the untrained, pick your weapons and be brave. Kill or be killed." Chenley said.
He was right. None of us wants to die. We will kill zombies and scientists. We will live. We will find a home. If we won't, then we will make a home for us.
"But how are we gonna be able to contact you if we're going to be separated?" Ryzza asked.
We didn't have signals, load and battery to contact with a phone so probably we won't be able to contacts each other on this mission. I was confused when Rhean just step in the middle of the circle. She opened her bag and grabbed something out.
"I fixed this last night and I'm sure this will work." Rhean said with a small voice. She brought out radiophones.
"Woooow! This is so cool!" Khent said, after Rhean handed him the radio.
She had 15 radios in total which is really a great great amount that we could have. I never taught Rhean would have something like this or be able to fix these devices.
"This was the reason why Michelle died. She protected me when I was getting these in the electronic room of the warehouse we have been. I needed to do something useful so I thought this would help you guys and unfortunately zombies caught my scent and almost killed me. But Michelle killed them before they could eat me and saved me until the end." Rhean said.
This was the first time she talked about what happened to Michelle inside the warehouse ever since she died. We gave her huge smiles in our faces and huge hug to make her feel she is something. Not just a small voiced shy girl, but a brave hearted young woman.
"I'm really not an emotional person but you guys make me tear up." Zean said, while wiping his tears.
"Oh my gosh. Rose! Zean is crying! Comfort your lover!" Ryzza yelled then we all laughed.
"We need to go now guys." Chenley said.
"Great job, Rhean. This radio is a life saver!" Ryan said, patting Rhean's shoulder.
I heard Rhean talked to Michelle silently while walking towards the group. "I did it. I am now something, Michelle."
Jane walked beside Rhean and held her hand and they jogged towards Chenley. My group stayed here to camp and to cover them as they will advance to Marks Corp. I turned on the radio and said, "Stay alive and kill not be killed."
They continued to walk to the foggy road and I am hoping they will survive. As I separated my group into two, the radio had noises and Jeanny's voice was in, "We are here, Marks Corp. We are not one step closer, we are here."
A/N: Whaaaaa! School beat me up real bad! I am sorry 😭 I haven't got the time to write because assignments and shit just piled up. But here it is! I tried my best to keep it interesting so I hope you liked it. The long wait is here! They're at Marks Corp! Keep hanging for the next chapter ;)

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